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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo DS Becoming Best Selling Console of All Time in a Couple of Days

As far as shipments are concerned PS2 will likely hit 160 million assuming Sony keeps it around in the emerging markets for another year or 2. DS will outship it but probably not until late 2011 or 2012.

Proudest Platinums:
1. Gran Turismo 5
2. Persona 4 Arena
3. Wipeout HD
4. Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
5. Super Street Fighter 4

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Still debating?  So, in conclusion, is DS a console?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

DS will have PS2 outsold in all important markets by the end of the year (US, Major countries in Euope, etc.).

The remaning PS2 lead which comes from developing countries will be erased as DS further pulls ahead of PS2 in the major countries.

RolStoppable said:
NYANKS said:

This is true, but I also feel like people who choose to invest in handhelds care less, whether by simply expecting the same support from the past to continue or whatever.  Do you need to a top tier team to put out many of the games that do well on handhelds?  Not really.  There are a lot of remakes, easy.  Puzzle focused games, the friggin Imagine Series, tower defense games that would on consoles be a twenty dollar PSN game, etc.  People generally expect less from handhelds, so the lack of mega dev team support isn't a big deal.  Does anyone care the Santa Monica isn't doing Ghost of Sparta? No.  So many big DS games, people here probably don't even know the actual devs, because they were outsourced.  I mean, do you always need a AAA team to do the 146th port of Tetris?

I wasn't talking about the types of games in my previous post, but the impact of individual titles. In other words, games that actually make people consider to buy the hardware. There's much more of them made for home consoles than handhelds. Remakes never reach the same sales level as a true sequel. The Imagine Series consists of dozens of different games and only a few of them crossed the million mark which isn't that big in this day and age of multimillion sellers.

Does anyone care that Santa Monica isn't doing Ghost of Sparta? Probably not, because as you said, most people don't know the actual developer of a specific game. But the PSP GoW aren't full entries in the series, they are merely sidestories. As a result they don't have the same impact as the home console games, not in software sales and also not in hardware moving capabilities. That's the problem handhelds in general are facing: they usually don't get the big games and the majority of gamers tends to go where the big games are. A quick example: Final Fantasy remakes on the DS sell okay, but Dragon Quest IX makes Japan go bonkers.

Handhelds have the advantage to sell to two or more people in the same household, yes. That's why they should routinely beat the home consoles in each generation in sales, right? But that didn't happen, so the great imbalance between handhelds and home consoles when it comes to big games has definitely been a huge advantage for home consoles in the past. A bigger advantage than what handhelds have over home consoles.

So if handhelds are churning out an inferior product, how do you explain the sales?  If they are cheaper, portable, and the games are not of the quality of consoles, to what do you attribute the success?

I wonder how much money Nintendo made off the DS.

"To play or not to play, that is the question."- A wise man


Lifetime sales prediction

Wii 79/150 million

Xbox 360 47.7/73 Million

PS3 43.6/69 Million

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RolStoppable said:
NYANKS said:

So if handhelds are churning out an inferior product, how do you explain the sales?  If they are cheaper, portable, and the games are not of the quality of consoles, to what do you attribute the success?

The DS is the first handheld to beat the best selling home console of the same generation (Wii) and it will also outsell the PS2. Well, the Gameboy did sort of beat the SNES, but only because it was selling for two generations. SNES and PS1 account for 150m while GB/GBC sold 120m during the same timeframe. The GBA didn't beat the PS2. So really, this is a first and something must have changed. Software seems to be the most obvious answer as everything else was always the same (handhelds being affordable, cheap games, two generations in processing power behind home consoles).

Looking back at the game libraries of the GB/GBC, GBA and DS, would you say that one clearly stands above the other two? I would and my pick is the DS. Quantity, quality, variety, the DS wins in every department by a big margin.

In previous generations the lack of enough quality software did always offset the advantage of handhelds (selling to two or more persons in the same household). This generation is different in that companies outside of Nintendo put more serious effort into handheld games, mainly Japanese ones. With an increase in software quality and quantity came an increase in hardware sales. I think that makes sense, because why should people buy hardware if they think the games are meh. People have been calling the DS the new SNES (that's quite a big compliment), something they would have never done with previous handhelds.

But doesn't this change now enhance the already inherent advantages that you state offset handhelds before?  Wouldn't that now create the divide you say didn't exist before?  So hence comparisons now, if not being invalid, should at least being deserving of the asterisk: handheld*?

...NO PS2 =150 millions

*cough* *cough*

Thank you all for your attention.

-According to Webster dictionary:

: an electronic system that connects to a display (as a television set) and is used primarily to play video games
besides what is inside the parenthesis, the DS does have a display.



Carl2291 said:
Wagram said:

Technically the DS isn't a console. But it will outsell the PS2.

Uh oh!

Here comes the huge debate on what does and doesn't count as a console

DS is about to become the best selling "VIDEO GAME SYSTEM" ever.. There, debate over. I prefer that term because no one can debate that the DS is not a video game system :P

Metallicube said:
Carl2291 said:
Wagram said:

Technically the DS isn't a console. But it will outsell the PS2.

Uh oh!

Here comes the huge debate on what does and doesn't count as a console

DS is about to become the fastest selling "VIDEO GAME SYSTEM" ever.. There, debate over. I prefer that term because no one can debate that the DS is not a video game system :P

B... But... But teh PC!