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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why PS Move will fail

Slimebeast said:

Stop. Now you two are childish.

There's been plenty of Kinect will fail threads.

There has been "Kinect will propel the 360 to first place" threads too

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leo-j said:
Slimebeast said:
Cthulhu said:
leo-j said:

If I had posted a thread like "Why wii will fail" It would have been locked..

and you probably would be banned

Stop. Now you two are childish.

There's been plenty of Kinect will fail threads.

link me one

No you do it lol. I'm too tired and it's hard to browse and search for old threads on VGC 3.0.

I have a vague memory there's been a few of them though. There should have been.

GodOfWar_3ever said:
Slimebeast said:

Stop. Now you two are childish.

There's been plenty of Kinect will fail threads.

There has been "Kinect will propel the 360 to first place" threads too

LOL Oh yes, there certainly has.

DirtyP2002 said:

This whole post is of course IMO.

First of all Move is not that big of an innovation. Sony decided to play it safe and copy the Wiimote. Sure it is more precise, but the overall experience is not that different. NATAL seems to be an improvement of the Eyetoy/PSEye. I guess they're both screwed. Check the picture in my sig. Copying the Wii is not a bad thing anyway. So why mention it? It clearly outsold its competitors, so why not do what the cool guy does.

Sony is doing a big mistake with the games for the move. They are making hardcore titles move compatible. Did anyone actually ask for this? Wii owners have been asking for more hardcore offerings since the system's launch. When you played Killzone 2, did you say to yourself 'Damn, I would love to play this with a device similar to the Wiimote'? No, not me, but many did. Tons of people hated the control and not only sighted the weight but the general control scheme. Comparisons to Mouse/KB and WiiMote controlled games were brought up tons of times in discussions and of course many stated they would prefer to play with mouse an keyboard which is said about pretty much every FPS. It was also generaly considered and accepted that WiiMote is the next best thing....

Killzone 2 players are a very hardcore audience. They play the game with the regular controller anyway. Casual players that might like the Wii don't want to play a game like Killzone 2. See the above, and isn't part of the goal to bring new players? Not just keep the current players happy? Those that wanna play with the dualshock aren't losing anything. Those thought would consider the game because of the Move/WiiMote scheme are getting another option and a reason to consider. The same goes for Socom IV. Everything i've read and heard about fan and media response to SOCOM with Move has been nothing but positive. On the Zipper podcast they also mentioned how they were pleasantly surprised at how many people, after trying SOCOM with Move, CAME BACK to playing booths because of the desire to play some more. Which doesn't happen often. We're talking about a franchise with an online playing base stronger than anything else on the Playstation3 (confrontation)... and that's considered the WEAKEST entry in the series. Core titles like madworld, Conduit and others proofed that the Wii and its controlls is not the best for FPS or different core titles. The  conduit negatively received because it wasn't that great as far as I know. The Wii has had some very excellent first and 3rd person shooters well recieved by fans and critics. It surely has its strengths in different areas and some crazy sales for some games proof that.

Sony needs to make software that is perfect for the hardware. They created a more casual device but make core-titles for it.So you list games like SOCOM and killlzone which everyone knew were in the pipeline and the dev's just decide to support move and you state this crap? You ignore titles like:
Beat Sketch!
The Fight: Lights Out
Heroes on the Move
KungFu Rider
SingStar Dance
Sports Champions
Start the Party
The Shoot
TV Superstars

All of which are BRAND NEW [EDITED:]published by SONY themselves. There are more move only games that I didn't list cause they're 3rd party. This was to make my point more aggressively[/EDIT] not yet released and can ONLY be played with Move?

You can say, they made the same mistake with the PSP. Outside of Japan, the PSP is not that relevant these days. Sony made and secured core titles for a handheld a lot of people wanted to play on big screen. God of War, Metal gear solid peace Walker are two perfect examples. How are they perfect examples of they sold amazingly? Not saying you're wrong on this one but those aren't good examples. Those two series actually did pretty well on PSP. Great games, no doubt, but they just work better on the big screen. Nintendo on the other hand did the right software for the hardware. Ninetndogs, Pokemon, Scribblenauts, Mario Kart, Brain Training work very well on a handheld, because you can play for 5 minutes, have fun, turn the device off and keep doing what you did before. You can do that... WITH ANY PSP game... You can put the device on sleep mode. Uses very little battery life in sleep mode; a lot less than folding a DS close in my experience. Take it out of sleep mode and continue where you left off. That's the weakest reason ever for why DS games do better than PSP games. And with the PSPGo, you can even completely quit a game, do what ever you want on the XMB and pick up exactly where you left off with the new Pause Game feature. Thanks to that, the PSPGo sold like hot cakes, am I right?

MS developed Kinect and made Casual games for it. Kinect is a casual device, and they deliver the software for it. Remove the Fight from my list above and you have more Casual Move Games coming from SONY that are Move only than MS NATAL only games I believe. There is nothing wrong with that. So far, Kinect is not my most wanted device ever, because I am a core gamer, but I see the potential and might pick it up as soon as core games are available. I will pick one up for my mother though. She wants to use Video on Demand and maybe she will play some titles like Yourshape or Kinect Adventures, too.

So saying Move is more a hardcore, so it will have more legs, sell more or whatever is actually not a good thing. It's more hardcore because it's not offering just casual experiences and I like many other's believe that offering something for every taste is a good move that should offer longlevity to sales makes a lot of sense. This is a forum, so maybe that's why you seem to be noticing the core titles and next to none of the casual offerings. There aren't a lot of people here that are gonna rave about that stuff...Motion Controlls are very social and very casual, a Killzone 3 is not a game that works this way. Core player will prefer the controller (or keyboard / mouse) any day. Sony just failed to deliver the perfect software for the hardware. Nintendo and so far MS did. Sorta Premature, don't you think?


DirtyP2002 said:

This whole post is of course IMO.

First of all Move is not that big of an innovation. Sony decided to play it safe and copy the Wiimote. Sure it is more precise, but the overall experience is not that different. Check the picture in my sig. Copying the Wii is not a bad thing anyway. It clearly outsold its competitors, so why not do what the cool guy does.

Sony is doing a big mistake with the games for the move. They are making hardcore titles move compatible. Did anyone actually ask for this? When you played Killzone 2, did you say to yourself 'Damn, I would love to play this with a device similar to the Wiimote'?

Killzone 2 players are a very hardcore audience. They play the game with the regular controller anyway. Casual players that might like the Wii don't want to play a game like Killzone 2. The same goes for Socom IV. Core titles like madworld, Conduit and others proofed that the Wii and its controlls is not the best for FPS or different core titles. It surely has its strengths in different areas and some crazy sales for some games proof that.

Sony needs to make software that is perfect for the hardware. They created a more casual device but make core-titles for it. You can say, they made the same mistake with the PSP. Outside of Japan, the PSP is not that relevant these days. Sony made and secured core titles for a handheld a lot of people wanted to play on big screen. God of War, Metal gear solid peace Walker are two perfect examples. Great games, no doubt, but they just work better on the big screen. Nintendo on the other hand did the right software for the hardware. Ninetndogs, Pokemon, Scribblenauts, Mario Kart, Brain Training work very well on a handheld, because you can play for 5 minutes, have fun, turn the device off and keep doing what you did before.

MS developed Kinect and made Casual games for it. Kinect is a casual device, and they deliver the software for it. There is nothing wrong with that. So far, Kinect is not my most wanted device ever, because I am a core gamer, but I see the potential and might pick it up as soon as core games are available. I will pick one up for my mother though. She wants to use Video on Demand and maybe she will play some titles like Yourshape or Kinect Adventures, too.

So saying Move is more a hardcore, so it will have more legs, sell more or whatever is actually not a good thing. Motion Controlls are very social and very casual, a Killzone 3 is not a game that works this way. Core player will prefer the controller (or keyboard / mouse) any day. Sony just failed to deliver the perfect software for the hardware. Nintendo and so far MS did.

You do know Sony has a motion camera aswel right? So if Sony took Nintendos motion technology, Improved on what it could do then they are copying nintendo. But when MS takes technology that Sony has had for years and improved on that technology then they ain't copying Sony? I'm confused here.

Yeah Sony copied Nintendos WII remote and Nunchuck but honestly thats the only way that technology could work. I mean Nintendo copied Atari all those years ago by taking there controll stick, adding an extra button and using a d-pad instead of the old type analogue sticks.Do you know why they did that? because thats what worked.

This is how technology evolves. You can say Sonys copying this and that or whatever man and think its a bad thing but honestly man if everyone thought like that we would probably still be playing with a 2 button joypad and games on a cartridge which is another thing Nintendo copied from Atari. Sorry or was it the VES or Odysey they took the cartridgs from.

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Move is more casual than the DS3? Wot?

A control scheme isn't hardcore or casual. Games are hardcore or casual. The Wii doesn't have such an enormous number of casual games because of the Wiimote. It has an enormous number of casual games because of the enormous number of casual gamers who played the original casual games on Wii (i.e. Wii Sports).

Move will succeed (somewhat) because it overlaps with the Dual Shock. Developers don't have to make Move games, just make regular games and add Move support, and the games will work with both control methods, as they work on Wii with the Classic Controller and Wiimote. Like the Wii, one control scheme will usually be better than the other, but it'll be fine, because everyone has both.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


Official member of the Xbox 360 Squad

DirtyP2002 said:
Porcupine_I said:

@OP: Could it be that you spend more time hating the PS3 then loving the 360?

[  ] add something intelligent

[x] flame the OP


nice choice.

Well that's partly because your OP is flameworthy. It's a one eyed perspective looking at every aspect of Move from the most negative angle possible, designed to argue in favour of an outcome you want to see happen. It's as far from being an objective analysis of Move's potential as I've seen; and that includes those who are looking to put a positive spin on Move's fortunes. It would be funny if Move pulled a Heavy Rain and sold well beyond expectations; though I don't expect it will.

I'd also dispute that angsty disinterested middle child analogy for Move that another 360 fan made. It would be a totally valid analogy for the six-axis DS3, that was a half-arsed approach to motion control (which still got put to good use in a few games I will point out). Move is Sony finally realising it needs to put in a good effort and take of those water wings. Motion control is here to stay and if you're not committed you're gonna be sunk.

What is true is that Sony doesn't need Move to succeed as much as MS does, so they will be OK with a modest launch and consistent sales over the following year. And nothing is going to catch the Wii this gen, so Sony will be happy to be playing in the same ball park week on week with he Wii from here to the end of the Gen, which they seem to be doing for now.

I'm very interested in the core gaming applications of Move. Heavy Rain looks like it will play well with Move, and there are other core titles that interest me for Move, especially the RTS possibilities. The dude who previewed...what was it? R.U.S.E? seemed very impressed with the RTS potential of Move. We'll get the casual titles too, particularly Singstar Dance. Hopefully we can download a Move patch for Eyepet.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


whatever, i'm excited for move and i'll tell you why, Sony (unlike wii or kinect) is bring games out I want to play.

kitler53 said:

whatever, i'm excited for move and i'll tell you why, Sony (unlike wii or kinect) is bring games out I want to play.

Who could argue with that. At the end of the day its all about the games