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DirtyP2002 said:
Porcupine_I said:

@OP: Could it be that you spend more time hating the PS3 then loving the 360?

[  ] add something intelligent

[x] flame the OP


nice choice.

Well that's partly because your OP is flameworthy. It's a one eyed perspective looking at every aspect of Move from the most negative angle possible, designed to argue in favour of an outcome you want to see happen. It's as far from being an objective analysis of Move's potential as I've seen; and that includes those who are looking to put a positive spin on Move's fortunes. It would be funny if Move pulled a Heavy Rain and sold well beyond expectations; though I don't expect it will.

I'd also dispute that angsty disinterested middle child analogy for Move that another 360 fan made. It would be a totally valid analogy for the six-axis DS3, that was a half-arsed approach to motion control (which still got put to good use in a few games I will point out). Move is Sony finally realising it needs to put in a good effort and take of those water wings. Motion control is here to stay and if you're not committed you're gonna be sunk.

What is true is that Sony doesn't need Move to succeed as much as MS does, so they will be OK with a modest launch and consistent sales over the following year. And nothing is going to catch the Wii this gen, so Sony will be happy to be playing in the same ball park week on week with he Wii from here to the end of the Gen, which they seem to be doing for now.

I'm very interested in the core gaming applications of Move. Heavy Rain looks like it will play well with Move, and there are other core titles that interest me for Move, especially the RTS possibilities. The dude who previewed...what was it? R.U.S.E? seemed very impressed with the RTS potential of Move. We'll get the casual titles too, particularly Singstar Dance. Hopefully we can download a Move patch for Eyepet.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix