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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Four years later: Oblivion is still the best RPG this gen

SHMUPGurus said:

Oh oh, here I come. I have a different opinion from the guy who wrote the article.

I tried to play Oblivion, I seriously did... but I don't see the appeal from this game at all. The world is so dull, but the real thing I hate is how everything is just so shiny because of the Unreal Engine. The characters are very ugly too, I mean all of them, and the same voice actors voicing every single NPC in the game breaks immersion. I'm always like "Wait, I talked to that guy befo... oh wait, no, it's just the same voice actor again!" I guess the music is OK... very Bethesda and fantasy like though.

Also, how long is the main quest? 5-6 hours if you set the battle difficulty to medium (if I recall correctly). Then... what's next? You do sidequests just to get pieces of armor and weapons that you won't even be able to use in Elder Scrolls V anyways? What can you do with overpowered equipment if you can't even show them off online or something. I mean, what's the point?

I must say I'm not a fan of fantasy and the medieval time that much in the first place, but I must also say that I had no trouble playing Dragon Age: Origins. I seriously wonder why. o_O

With that said, an Elder Scrolls online could be great and there would actually be a reason to play the game. Also, I would be willing to try the game again, but on PC this time around. There must be a way to turn off the shiny-ness in the .ini files and mods could probably change the character models and some of the environments.

Oblivion doesn't use the Unreal Engine. It's got Gamebryo, an open-world game engine. And I love the HDR in Oblivion!

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FaRmLaNd said:
Not really considering Daggerfall is bigger then Oblivion and since you can fast travel in Oblivion personally it felt smaller then Morrowind to me. Not sure which is actually bigger in scale though, objectively speaking.

It's the fast travel effect that makes Morrowind feel bigger for some people, yes. But Oblivion's landmass is significantly bigger than Morrowind's.

I think that oblivion is a pretty average game really It has some redeeming features.. but. It has terrible fp fighting with melee weapons (look at dark messiah on how it's done right.) it's open world, but the world is practically one hill copy pasted 1000 times. Sure there are the oblivion areas and the mountains, but overall the lack of variation is just too much. The AI is horrible. Both the enemy and friendly. If you accidently do something that's concidered a crime, and you ride your horse ALL THE WAY to the other side of the map (yeah you can fast travel too, but i'm writing it like this to proove my point.) the guys there will want your head aswell. Do they have magic powered telephones ?
The npc's are lifeless and you'll find the same person talking to themselves sometime... The scripted sequences (or lack thereoff) are also dull...

However things like the ability to become a vampire, or the gray fox.. side quests and the oblivion realm redeems it.. But games like NeverWinternights and dragon age origins are much better in many ways. Neverwinternights is a pretty old game by now.. but it does it's story telling very well. It's a good game at drawing you in.

Check out my game about moles ^

Didnt really like Oblivion as much as everyone else. For me it goes.
1. Mass Effect
2. Mass Effect 2
3. The Witcher
4. Dragon Age
5. Oblivion

I mostly play RTS and Moba style games now adays as well as ALOT of benchmarking. I do play other games however such as the witcher 3 and Crysis 3, and recently Ashes of the Singularity. I love gaming on the cutting edge and refuse to accept any compromises. Proud member of the Glorious PC Gaming Master Race. Long Live SHIO!!!! 

I got myself a copy of Oblivion a couple of days ago. I still have lots of gaming to do, thus so far I haven't played it much. The truth is that the few gaming hours I have a day are spent in Demon's Souls, and I've got to tell you, Oblivion must be a hell of a game to be better than Demon's Souls, that's for sure.
Sony's exclusive is turning out to be my favourite game this gen. I didn't see that coming when I finally gave it a chance and bought it.

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Only the best when you pretend that Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect series and Fallout 3 don't exist.

It's actually very cool that Oblivion's world, Cyrodiil, isn't that varied. In games I often think it feels artificial with different landscapes and weird creatures around every corner. I applaud Bethesda for making Cyrodiil consistent and homogenous like your typical medieval fantasy landscape should look like.

Even Bethesda's own games like Morrowind and Fallout 3 are too compact and dense, with too much weird stuff artificially being neighbors to each other. Same with the Oblivion expansion Shivering Isles (although that took place in a virtual world so that's okay). And all these complaints from gamers about a dull boring world don't bode well for Elder Scrolls 5. :/

Well, I've put well over 400 hours into Oblivion (with mods and expansions) which is more than any game this gen. The closest is probably Dragon Age: Origins which is currently at 228 hrs according to Steam. I loved the game world and some of the quests were superb. Yes, Fallout 3 has optimised the formula, and Mass Effect, Witcher, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy and Fable II have come out now, but it's still damn good even now.

Definetly not. I never tried the game myself
but it definetly didn't appeal to me for a reason. There's lot of others greater (probably not a word but w.e) RPGs this gen. Dragon Age, Final Fantasy XIII(IMO), Mass Effect 1 and 2, and demon's soul. Oblivion is good, but not good enough to be flinging around the title of "Best RPG in this Gen"

Oblivion has the best leveling system in an RPG ever.

It has the best item management system.

It has the best skillsets.

It has the best spellacsting system (Although the spells were kinda lame)

It has the best implementation of havoc and ragdoll physics in a game ever!

It has the best setting of a game ever (Classic fantasy)

It had the most fun questing in an RPG ever

And it was all ruined bu one of the worst ideas in RPG history. Enemies level up at the same pace as me? B U L L S H I T ! ! ! ! !

I Want to one-hit lowly peasants with my poisoned arrows. I want to mow down weaker enemies that I used to have problems with. WTF Bethestda?! You ruined the potentially best game ever made!