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I think that oblivion is a pretty average game really It has some redeeming features.. but. It has terrible fp fighting with melee weapons (look at dark messiah on how it's done right.) it's open world, but the world is practically one hill copy pasted 1000 times. Sure there are the oblivion areas and the mountains, but overall the lack of variation is just too much. The AI is horrible. Both the enemy and friendly. If you accidently do something that's concidered a crime, and you ride your horse ALL THE WAY to the other side of the map (yeah you can fast travel too, but i'm writing it like this to proove my point.) the guys there will want your head aswell. Do they have magic powered telephones ?
The npc's are lifeless and you'll find the same person talking to themselves sometime... The scripted sequences (or lack thereoff) are also dull...

However things like the ability to become a vampire, or the gray fox.. side quests and the oblivion realm redeems it.. But games like NeverWinternights and dragon age origins are much better in many ways. Neverwinternights is a pretty old game by now.. but it does it's story telling very well. It's a good game at drawing you in.

Check out my game about moles ^