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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This is the first generation where every console is a success

dharh said:
KungKras said:
dharh said:
KungKras said:

Console get MMO?

Mark my words. Next gen will see a rise in MMOs. Developers like stable environments. The PC platform is anything but stable. Quite a lot of resources are spent just making and keeping MMOs running on the hundreds of different configurations possible in PCs. Already there are some in development for the current gen. FFIX is still around.

Bah, I don't care what developers like or dislike. Customers will decide. And I will not vote with my wallet for console MMOs >:

That's your choice obviously. Perchance you don't even like MMOs anyway? I personally love a chance at a stable MMO that doesn't break every time I am forced to replace a component in my PC or that the developers dont have to spend alot of resources so the game works for that dumb ass who still uses a 3DFX card.

Customers will decide. I bet quite a few of them will decide they are ok with and might prefer the MMO of their choice be on the console.

MMO is one of my favourite genres, and Guild Wars 2 is one of my most anticipated games.

I just don't want MMO games to be dumbed down for consoles. Enough genres have fallen already, I don't want the same to happen to MMO.


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  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a financial point of view.
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a hardware point of view as both the 360 and PS3s crap themselves too much.
  • This generation 3 of 3 can be called a success from a gamers perspective as the widest market ever can be satisfied with the offerings on the market and they are more differentiated than last generation by a significant degree, you can thank the Wii for this mostly.


By and large, I agree.

However, the goalposts need to be cemented.

You have criterias in hardware sales... profits... market share... brand recognition... investor relations... etc... to pick and choose.

But I agree that in terms of the gamer, and the variety to choose from that is available in the market, its the best gen yet.

I game.  You game.  We game.

I'm a videogamer, not a fanboy, but have a special place for Nintendo.

Current Systems Owned: NSwitch/PS4/XONE/WiiU/3DS/2DS/PCGaming Rig-i7/ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop.

Previous Game Consoles:  PS3/Xbox360/Wii/DSL/Pretty much every one thats been released since the Atari 2600.

Squilliam said:
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a financial point of view.
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a hardware point of view as both the 360 and PS3s crap themselves too much.
  • This generation 3 of 3 can be called a success from a gamers perspective as the widest market ever can be satisfied with the offerings on the market and they are more differentiated than last generation by a significant degree, you can thank the Wii for this mostly.

I pretty much agree with this.  Though do PS3's break a lot?


I don't think everyone is inclined to own all the consoles. But I do agree that all the consoles are doing well compared to most generations. Though I would say that last generation, we also had 3 prominent consoles, even if a fourth 'died' (Dreamcast) and one was being kept alive mostly by bailout money (XBOX) and the last had next to no third party support.

This time however, its not so much that everything is even across the board. There's a clear 'winner' hardware wise (Wii) but software wise, its fluctuating monthly. And third party support is being split between the DS in Japan and the 'HD consoles' in the west.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



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Kasz216 said:
Squilliam said:
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a financial point of view.
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a hardware point of view as both the 360 and PS3s crap themselves too much.
  • This generation 3 of 3 can be called a success from a gamers perspective as the widest market ever can be satisfied with the offerings on the market and they are more differentiated than last generation by a significant degree, you can thank the Wii for this mostly.

I pretty much agree with this.  Though do PS3's break a lot?


Compared to the Wii they do. Also the earlier ones aren't that reliable due to the heat + dust sucker factor of their hardware design and the use of poor thermal paste and early generation lead free solder which is unreliable and will definately crack over time.


Last gen 2 out of 3 systems made money.
This gen 1 out of 3 systems made money and many more devs went out of business.

We call this progress?

best generation ever in my eyes....i cant get enough of it....i hope it ends real late, honestly it feels like this gen has just begun =p

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Last gen 2 out of 3 systems made money.
This gen 1 out of 3 systems made money and many more devs went out of business.

We call this progress?

well you do have to consider the economy =/

Ah this is what I like, a nice thread were everyone gets along =D

