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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This is the first generation where every console is a success

This gen will signify the grande finale of the industry as we know it.

This gen has shown that the industry cannot continue like before without being totally ruined.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Last gen 2 out of 3 systems made money.
This gen 1 out of 3 systems made money and many more devs went out of business.

We call this progress?

Wasn't it 2 out 4 made money last generation? The Dreamcast was the biggest loser that generation after-all.


I don't see it... I mean the Wii didn't have a year headstart, and still managed to outsell the competition by a wide margin, 3rd party games don't matter, and it isn't Nintendo's weakness this gen (maybe next gen). I mean just because its selling on par with Nintendo In others (because of game releases) reallly means nothing in the long run...Nintendo is the clear winner obviously. I don't think the HD consoles are doing as well as stated, but I guess you guys need some kind of confidence booster (lol).

Last December showed me there is a clear front runner....

I love when people glue both HD consoles sales together and say: "Wii sold as much as HD"

KungKras said:
dharh said:
KungKras said:
dharh said:
KungKras said:

Console get MMO?

Mark my words. Next gen will see a rise in MMOs. Developers like stable environments. The PC platform is anything but stable. Quite a lot of resources are spent just making and keeping MMOs running on the hundreds of different configurations possible in PCs. Already there are some in development for the current gen. FFIX is still around.

Bah, I don't care what developers like or dislike. Customers will decide. And I will not vote with my wallet for console MMOs >:

That's your choice obviously. Perchance you don't even like MMOs anyway? I personally love a chance at a stable MMO that doesn't break every time I am forced to replace a component in my PC or that the developers dont have to spend alot of resources so the game works for that dumb ass who still uses a 3DFX card.

Customers will decide. I bet quite a few of them will decide they are ok with and might prefer the MMO of their choice be on the console.

MMO is one of my favourite genres, and Guild Wars 2 is one of my most anticipated games.

I just don't want MMO games to be dumbed down for consoles. Enough genres have fallen already, I don't want the same to happen to MMO.

I don't think they need to be changed at all to function on a console. Keyboard: check. Mouse: check. Almost like its a PC, but the base machine doesn't change every month.

If they dumb down the game, neither of us will buy it. Simple as that. Besides which, there are plenty of PC MMOs that have dumbed themselves down.

A warrior keeps death on the mind from the moment of their first breath to the moment of their last.

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Squilliam said:
Kasz216 said:
Squilliam said:
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a financial point of view.
  • This generation 2 of 3 cannot really be called a success from a hardware point of view as both the 360 and PS3s crap themselves too much.
  • This generation 3 of 3 can be called a success from a gamers perspective as the widest market ever can be satisfied with the offerings on the market and they are more differentiated than last generation by a significant degree, you can thank the Wii for this mostly.

I pretty much agree with this.  Though do PS3's break a lot?


Compared to the Wii they do. Also the earlier ones aren't that reliable due to the heat + dust sucker factor of their hardware design and the use of poor thermal paste and early generation lead free solder which is unreliable and will definately crack over time.

well that's a bummer since i have a 20 gig.

What about the Dreamcast/N64/PS1 generation. Sure the ps1 dominated, but the N64 wasn't a failure. Many people would say that the Dreamcast was a failure, but it really wasn't. It had a strong opening week and strong sales through-out it's life-time. It's life just happened to be VERY short.

Oh, and the Dreamcast is the greatest console ever made, period.

SmoothCriminal said:
What about the Dreamcast/N64/PS1 generation. Sure the ps1 dominated, but the N64 wasn't a failure. Many people would say that the Dreamcast was a failure, but it really wasn't. It had a strong opening week and strong sales through-out it's life-time. It's life just happened to be VERY short.

Oh, and the Dreamcast is the greatest console ever made, period.

Dreamcast wasn't in the 32/64bit gen. It was in the 128bit gen with xBox PS2, and CGN.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Last gen 2 out of 3 systems made money.
This gen 1 out of 3 systems made money and many more devs went out of business.

We call this progress?

Last gen didn't go through a recession. The three big consoles this gen did and it barely effected the sales numbers (Profit is a different story, but over time that'll be a thing of the past). And if anything some of the devs that went out of business was probably for the best, only the big high quality companies should be around, it was getting to crowed, theres less shovelware now.

(Although it did suck to see Ensemble Studios go, but still sales must of been bad if they went out of business, it was probably for the best.)

And what I really meant by progress is software and hardware sales, it's a big improvement from other gens.

tibisor said:
Gilgamesh said:

There really isn't any console dominating as bad as the other generations.

I stopped reading there.

...Did you not realize how badly the leading console beat out all others with software and hardware, obviously not.

Last Gen

PS2, Xbox(?), GameCube(208m software), DreamCast(under 50m software)  - PS2 had over 71% of the market share and sold over 1.5 billion games. 

Fifth Gen

3DO, Jaguar, Amagi CD32, Saturn, PSOne, N64 (224m software) - PSONe own over 65% of the market share and sold over 1 billion games.

After the fifth gen the sales information get's a little scarce. The forth gen then Snes I think had around 55% of market share but a huge chunk of the software share.

The third gen the NES had well over 70% of the market share, probably over 75% and once again had a huge chunk of the Software share.

The second generation the Atari 2600 had maybe around 90% of the market share (sold around 30 million), not sure about software, probably a lot.

First gen...not even going to try with this one, there's no info at all.

The Wii I think is safe to say that it WAS dominating but everything slowed down and the two HD consoles and doing really good (software and hardware sales compared to the Wii), still under Wii sure but it's not as bad as the past, the Wii will be lucky to get over 50% market share IMO. As for Software the Wii is in the lead but not by a whole lot.

Wii: 460 million

X360: 335 million

PS3: 222 million

^Compared to other gens that's pretty good, also Wii Sports is counted in that (which it sold 60 million) so that brings the Wii down to about 400 million which is close to the X360.