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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Hellblade II is 30fps on Xbox Series consoles

The upcoming sequel to Ninja Theory's 2017 cult favourite will apparently be capped at 30fps on Xbox Series X and S.

It should be noted for the record that the source of this information, Gamepro, stated in their preview that the framerate was stable and did not hinder the experience.

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Not surprised. 60 fps takes a large memory bandwidth, 120 fps even more so. I think the series x and ps5 are around 450 gb/s. The 4090 is 1000 gb/s. Consoles can't do high graphics and high fps.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:

Not surprised. 60 fps takes a large memory bandwidth, 120 fps even more so. I think the series x and ps5 are around 450 gb/s. The 4090 is 1000 gb/s. Consoles can't do high graphics and high fps.

No it's definitely CPU related. As the GPU in the XBSX is 3x better than the one in the XBSS, any game that's GPU limited to 30 on the S would hit 60 no problem on the X. Problem is though, they have the same CPU so any game that's CPU limited to 30 on the S will also be CPU limited to 30 on the X. MS should have designed the X with more powerful CPU to avoid this 30FPS problem

I'm waiting to get this game till a physical release is done, hopefully Limited Run at least picks it up. And, hopefully by then they might add in a 60 FPS mode. We'll see.

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I get it. It's always better to have a 60fps option, but at the end of the day consoles are still consoles. Limitations will aways be present. Anyone who is being a performance snob with console games needs a reality check. I've noticed a lot of current gen console games struggle to even keep a locked 60fps, especially the deeper we get into the generation.

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Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Chrkeller said:

Not surprised. 60 fps takes a large memory bandwidth, 120 fps even more so. I think the series x and ps5 are around 450 gb/s. The 4090 is 1000 gb/s. Consoles can't do high graphics and high fps.

No it's definitely CPU related. As the GPU in the XBSX is 3x better than the one in the XBSS, any game that's GPU limited to 30 on the S would hit 60 no problem on the X. Problem is though, they have the same CPU so any game that's CPU limited to 30 on the S will also be CPU limited to 30 on the X. MS should have designed the X with more powerful CPU to avoid this 30FPS problem

Series S is likely reduced resolution and settings.  Memory bandwidth limits are a huge issues for consoles.  That is just a fact.  


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:

Series S is likely reduced resolution and settings.  Memory bandwidth limits are a huge issues for consoles.  That is just a fact.  

The bandwidth in the two consoles' RAM is faster than their PC GPU counterparts even if you take out some 10% for CPU tasks. It's exactly what it needs to be for the hardware they have included. Yeah, my 4090 has way more bandwidth than my PS5 but it also can compute graphics 4x faster or more.

Adding more wouldn't make much difference if at all, same way a Fury X was slower than a 980 Ti despite having 50% more bandwidth. You'd just consume a lot more power and heat (because boy GDDR does consume a lot) for negligible gains.

The problem is... these aren't exactly powerful, enthusiast-class GPUs anymore, to begin with. Not to Unreal Engine 5 games.






Makes sense with how insane the visuals are but the "cinematic" nonsense in 2024 is just dumb. Just be honest and say you're sacrificing performance for fidelity instead of pretending that lower FPS somehow makes the experience better by itself.

Also like Hogwarts Legacy they should add an option to uncap it for the people who would prefer a higher on average but inconsistent frame rate and cause it'd be interesting to see what the average would be.

Not sure why is this news worthy - this type of games is usually locked to 30fps.

I usually prefer 60fps myself, I do feel like if the Series S is locked at 30fps they should be able to do at least 40fps with vrr on the Series X. Either way it's not really a deal breaker for me, just something I wish was there.