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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pikmin 4 launches on Switch 21st of July 2023

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*sees Ice Pikmin and doglike creature that helps the player* SOLD!!!!!

Love 1 and 3, pikmin 2 was awful. Pikmin 4 looks like quite the departure. Will keep an open mind.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Chrkeller said:

Love 1 and 3, pikmin 2 was awful. Pikmin 4 looks like quite the departure. Will keep an open mind.

Pikmin 2 is probably the best game in the franchise. Fair enough if it isn't to your taste, but calling it awful just seems a bit silly.

Tried the first game back in the day. For some reason I could not stand the music of all things. Played on mute, got bored, put the music on again and soon wanted to tear my ears off. Since then I have put this game in the same category as Animal Crossing, games that I just do not get.

I like the design of the dog character in Pikmin 4, it made me smile a bit during the trailer. I hope that this is what fans of the series want. With so many games to play and so little time, what is shown of the new installment is not enough for me to give Pikmin a second look.

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pikashoe said:
Chrkeller said:

Love 1 and 3, pikmin 2 was awful. Pikmin 4 looks like quite the departure. Will keep an open mind.

Pikmin 2 is probably the best game in the franchise. Fair enough if it isn't to your taste, but calling it awful just seems a bit silly.

I found it awful.  The lack of time made it a mediocre dungeon crawler.  While 1 and 3 were resource management games.  Removing the timer, imho, would be like souls having no penalty for dying.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

I actually hope this game doesn't have a timer, the constant time pressure of 3 made me too stressed out to really enjoy it, in spite of the game being excellent in many ways.

The series usually isn't my cup of tea, but this one I have my eye on.

To be frank, I feel like if I were to try this game, it would end up the same way as it did with Luigi's Mansion 3. Probably a real good game with some real good polish to it but it would never truly click at any point.

So I can only put this franchise as a whole in the same basket of Nintendo franchises I'm not too interested in like Animal Crossing, Splatoon and this franchise probably.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

pikashoe said:
Chrkeller said:

Love 1 and 3, pikmin 2 was awful. Pikmin 4 looks like quite the departure. Will keep an open mind.

Pikmin 2 is probably the best game in the franchise. Fair enough if it isn't to your taste, but calling it awful just seems a bit silly.

I also believe Pikmin 2 is the best in the series. Seems Pikmin 4 has the potential to dethrone it. I'm hoping their are other playable characters besides the one they showed. I honestly really liked Captain Charlie the most I think.

Chrkeller said:
pikashoe said:

Pikmin 2 is probably the best game in the franchise. Fair enough if it isn't to your taste, but calling it awful just seems a bit silly.

I found it awful.  The lack of time made it a mediocre dungeon crawler.  While 1 and 3 were resource management games.  Removing the timer, imho, would be like souls having no penalty for dying.

I only played the third one and loved every aspect. And I got say that the time challenge me to think about going on missions, my resources, my plans to go through the day, etc... It really immerse me on the game campaign.

This one looks that will have a night time. I don't know if it's a mode or it will automatically happen when you pass day time. 

Looking forward to see more about the planet, new pikmins, monsters and movements



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