Ok, so I've been holding this back and have been trying to stay positive on the whole matter, because I know that at least for me there's still a good amount of games coming this year that I'm very interested in and I won't have that much time to game until October anyway, but I feel that this just has to be said:
Sony has to get their first party and the games they publish in order.
So what is the reason for this thread some might ask, well the reason is this:
The movie is delayed to 2016, but is going to be shown in Cannes soon so the movie is more or less done, I mean there might be other reasons for this, but I feel that the most likely explanation is that the game, which we've seen nothing of, is not going to be ready for this year, this might turn out not to be the case but that's the assumption I'm operating under at the moment.
But that's not the only thing, of course there's the famous UC4 delay or the Driveclub situation, but there's other things as well. Until Dawn for example is supposed to be summer game, but the placeholder date for the game on the PS store (which usually indicates the planned release quarter) is 31st of December, did that game fall behind in development or is it being pushed back to fill a lackluster line up? Either way I'm pretty sure that the game won't make its announced summer release.
I would not be surprised if Rime and/or No Man's Sky didn't make it in 2015 either. The one shining light in that whole mess is of course Bloodborne, which was not only almost perfectly on time, it was also a masterpiece.
I'm not making this thread out of a position of someone that thinks that this going to cost Sony its lead, or that other publishers are much better at this stuff this gen, but as a fan of the PS4 and as someone that, while not in all of them, still is very interested in a lot of Sonys first party games, you guys know that.
And yes it may all happen that E3 rolls around and that Sony magically whips out another great 2015 exclusive out of its hat, instead of just a bunch of "look at this third party game, you can get this pointless DLC first on Playstation" or maybe all those things I'm assuming above turn out false and maybe they will actually manage to keep their releases on schedule for 2016 games and not have half of their games be delayed (looking at you Horizon), but for now I am pissed at what Sony is making out of this market leader position and how they seemingly planned the first 2 years of their consoles life excruciatingly poorly.
tldr.: Sony get your f'n WWS in order.
Rant over.