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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why Do U Hate Wii U (or Nintendo)??

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Really people? Is there really a reason to push down Nintendo like they're are little toddlers? Hey, they're trying something new! That's great! Isn't that what a "Next-Gen" console is truly supposed to do? 


In my opinion, graphics shouldn't be the only seperating factors between Generations.

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Some people dislike their games. Other their philosophy. Others, their fanboys. Especially the last one.

Also, I think few hate Nintendo or Wii U, is just that they don't like their products. Nothing wrong with that.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

I'm going to bump this because I would like at least a FEW people to write in it. >_>

EDIT: Hey look, PedoLink! Thanks for writing!

NintendoPie said:

Really people? Is there really a reason to push down Nintendo like they're are little toddlers? Hey, they're trying something new! That's great! Isn't that what a "Next-Gen" console is truly supposed to do? 


In my opinion, graphics shouldn't be the only seperating factors between Generations.

Many people tend to berate what they feel threatened by.  With consoles, they take a personally vested interest in the success of their respective console and any success by another company is seen as a threat.  They react to this threat by pushing their insecurities, remorse, jealously and immaturity onto it as a means to reasure themselves of superiority.

In other words, it makes them sleep better at night.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Not so much hate but rather frustrations. Touch screen interfaces are nothing new, they're quite old, so Nintendo isn't really trying anything new. I think this is the biggest problem right now. When Nintendo showed off the Wii, it was something new, motion gaming had some tech demos but outside of the eyetoy there wasn't anything substantial. PDAs from the late 90s had touch screens, so this touch screen controller is a bit of a dissapointment. Graphics on the other hand have stagnated and we're waiting for new hardware to show us what the future is in that regard. Nintendo hasn't shown this. So I think people are just frustrated with Nintendo at this point. I personally don't care cause I know the Wii U is going to be the best bang for the buck that you can buy in terms of hardware, but we don't know what that buck is until a price point is released.

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NintendoPie said:

I'm going to bump this because I would like at least a FEW people to write in it. >_>

EDIT: Hey look, PedoLink! Thanks for writing!

That's not funny.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

Idk why people hate Nintendo, I love Nintendo since I was a kid which mean it was.... 25 years ago first time I played Nes.
And then we had Sega, Sony, Microsoft etc2. And I never ever hated their products or company. It is a good thing to have a choice right? So my answer still... I don't why...

Because Nintendo is doomed.

Hate is such a strong word...

Yet some people hate the Wii U/Nintendo like they drowned thier newborn puppies.......


I've never owned a Sony console but it doesn't mean I hate them. 

I just do not prefer thier exclusives, minus the Rachet and Clank series but luckly I got a friend with a PS3 and the entire series :)

That and most multiplats are also on the PC and are sometimes better.

But no feelings of pent up stupid rage.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Nintendo haters are generally people who would never consider buying Nintendo consoles in the first place: They don't like Nintendo's IPs, they don't want innovative ways of controlling their games and they demand the newest hardware so that the potentially lacking gameplay of their favorite IPs will be overlooked more easily. They also tend to be jealous of the people who buy Nintendo hardware and still manages to enjoy it despite the sub-par visuals, and therefore blame the whole company.

Or at least that's the only realistic explanation I can think of.