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Forums - General Discussion - UK found a way to get unlimited money!!

Pirates are rich. For sure.


Police: download a file, go to jail for 10 years and pay an "unlimited" fine

The initial SOCA warning page

The 70,000 daily visitors to popular music site were met with a purposely terrifying message on Tuesday and part of Wednesday. The UK's Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA) took the site down, arrested its operator, and threw up a splash page that warned downloaders of "up to 10 years imprisonment." Thought statutory damages of up to $150,000 per infringement in the US were ludicrous? SOCA warns that downloaders from the site could face an "unlimited fine under UK law."

SOCA also showed users their own IP address and warned that "the above information can be used to identify you and your location," adding that "SOCA has the capability to monitor and investigate you, and can inform your Internet service provider of these infringements."

Didn't get the message? The warning goes on to say, "You may be liable for prosecution and that fact that you have received this message does not preclude you from prosecution."

SOCA announced separately on Wednesday that the rather theatrical warning (our judgment, not their words) would only stay up for 32 hours, apparently as a way to reach the site's regular visitors. (The notice has now been removed.)

"The website in question specialised in RnB and enabled access to music obtained by hacking, including some which had not yet been released," SOCA said in its statement. "[Global music trade group] IFPI estimates losses to legitimate businesses and artists caused by the site to be £15m a year. During the week running up to arrest phase the website had 70,000 users daily, mainly males aged 18 to 25 years."

SOCA agents stress that they have "monitored responses" to the arrest and takedown, including watching people discuss it globally on Twitter. They claim that related sites have already cleaned up their act to avoid similar action.

While might have been a hive a scum and villainy, SOCA agents hardly give the impression of acting as neutral agents of justice. The takedown was clearly pushed by the recording industry, which in itself is fine; all sorts of private parties complain to police when laws have been broken. But the SOCA warning page on went well beyond a mere legal statement and warning.

"As a result of illegal downloads young, emerging artists may have had their careers damaged," it said. "If you have illegally downloaded music you will have damaged the future of the music industry."

The extraordinary statement—opening as it does with the frank admission that this is all unprovable ("may") and concluding with an odd remark (the "music industry" is hardly synonymous with the "recording industry" actually being assisted here)—sounds like the sort of moralizing argument that is more appropriately the domain of rightsholders than the police. The coppers then provide a link directing visitors to, a site actually run by the recording industry.

A model of restraint

Even the US government, which we have criticized repeatedly for the process and errors behind their own "Operation In Our Sites" domain takedowns, has recently been a model of professionalism by contrast.

By all means, police should enforce the law and the government should prosecute those who violate it. But there's a line between enforcing the law and becoming the publicly funded enforcement arm of a particular industry, uncritically promoting their loss estimates, arguments, and websites.

Around the Network

Good! I say we should charge each of them £14,500,000. 70,000 x £14,500,000 = £1,015,000,000,000. Yes!!! No more debt!!

UK... those creative fucks xD

Britain thought they had unlimited money when they started raping India for all she was worth.

Fall apart the UK/Europe certainly will...Just have to see when and how badly.

Dr.Grass said:
Britain thought they had unlimited money when they started raping India for all she was worth.

Fall apart the UK/Europe certainly will...Just have to see when and how badly.

I think you forgot to read the op. Its about piracy laws in britian.

Around the Network
Dr.Grass said:

Fall apart the UK/Europe certainly will

Okay, Yoda.

Shouldn't they first get rid of the ugly people? then worry about other things?


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

I swear, EVERYTHING nowadays is mostly done by "Males 18-25."

What the hell are females doing?

wfz said:
I swear, EVERYTHING nowadays is mostly done by "Males 18-25."

What the hell are females doing?

Males 18-25 of course!

Sorry, I had to do it.

Signature goes here!

every country has a unlimited source of money, it's called: "The Taxpayer"

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’