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@HebrewGamer Keep in mind also that as @curl-6 said earlier, success is not measured only by software or hardware numbers. Success is subjective. Also It's way more easier and affordable for consoles nowadays to sell more, both hardware and software. So it's not entirely fair to compare the success by this. I am sure that even if Switch doesn't pass the PS2, there will be console that will pass it either way in near future. But you simply can't name something from nowadays to be more successful than a very successful console from 25 years ago, because the factors are many, and most of them are way different than they have been 25 years ago. Also again for 10th time. Why you turn this into PS2 vs Switch ? The original point was that the success of a previous console, can't and should not be denied or neglected just like that, and throwing some reasons and call it a day. Everything has a reason for it's result. From that logic let's begin analyze and downplay every console because every of them has flaws, weaknesses, strong sides, and prons and cons in general. Your logic of your original post here is simply irrelevant.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 13 June 2024

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