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Forums - Politics Discussion - Official 2020 US Election: Democratic Party Discussion

Would you look at this :)

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BTW, this is interesting: Cenk Uygur - cofounder of Justice Democrats - is running for CA-25, the seat Katie Hill resigned from:

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:

BTW, this is interesting: Cenk Uygur - cofounder of Justice Democrats - is running for CA-25, the seat Katie Hill resigned from:

Oh damn. This is happening in March. I had assumed the seat would be vacant until Nov 2020.

I'll be closely watching this election.

Edit: I almost want this district to become a controlled experiment, but I'd rather it stays blue.

Last edited by Moren - on 17 November 2019

Jordan Chariton just caught this:

Also Pete sent around a mail telling folks that they would be endorsing his plan (makes it vague enough to sound like they endorsed him), prominent black folks and well he gave them the "option" to opt out of endorsing the plan lol

Last edited by uran10 - on 18 November 2019

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

Mnementh said:

BTW, this is interesting: Cenk Uygur - cofounder of Justice Democrats - is running for CA-25, the seat Katie Hill resigned from:

Interestingly, out of the democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election, Yang and Sestak have already pledged their support for Cenk Uygur. Wonder how many will follow.

Sanders campaign has gotten four million donations:

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

To anyone that wants genuine Medicare For All, that gets rid of private health insurance in favor of expanding Medicare to cover all Americans for all healthcare, I would suggest you read this. The most important point it makes, I think is that the fight for Medicare For All is a political battle, not a technocratic one. That is to say, it's possible to do in a technical sense, indeed in a practical sense it is the pragmatic choice as our current system is the more expensive and unsustainable one, but it is politically difficult, meaning the actual power struggle to bring about the change in policy is the true obstacle, and requires the right strategy.

uran10 said:
Jumpin said:

She's the top progressive candidate running for the Democratic nomination. You're the "fauxgressive"

And on never attacking Elizabeth Warren, do you really expect anyone to buy that crap? You've been attacking Warren with all sorts of conspiracy theory nonsense and spins for months now. It's almost comical with the volume of anti-Warren posts you have against her. You're doing it in this post while claiming you don't.

And what's this?

Really? I've called out your bullshit NUMEROUS times before. And I'll do it again right here:

On beating Bernie Sanders. She's re-taken the lead in the nationwide polls.

Poll Date
Economist/YouGov 11/10 - 11/12 23 26 17 9 5 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Warren +3

And you'll note in the breakdown that she also has a significantly lower disapproval rating than Sanders and a more comprehensive demographic approval among voters. Bernie's strength is in the 18-29 demographic, while Elizabeth Warren is strongest in 30-44 and 45-65. The 18-29 demographic consistently has a low voter turnout. On top of that, what has changed in polls lately is Elizabeth Warren has not only overtaken Sanders as the #1 second choice, but she is now a distant 1st place as the second choice. If you scroll to the "disappointed if the nominee is" section, Elizabeth Warren shows to have the second least disapproval - second only to Cory Booker. Despite Bernie Sanders having the longest-running nationwide fundraising infrastructure out of ALL the candidates (dating back to before the 2016 election), he has lost the traction he had.

And your claim that Trump will beat Warren sounds identical to what right-wing concern trolls say. And I'll point it out to you as I point it out to them: you clearly have not been paying attention exactly how unpopular Trump has been since about his third month in office. Are you ignoring the scandals he's tied up in?
The polls are unanimous on Warren vs Trump:

Poll Date Sample MoE
Warren (D)
Trump (R)
RCP Average 10/4 - 10/31 -- -- 50.4 43.1 Warren +7.3
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 10/27 - 10/30 720 RV 3.7 50 42 Warren +8
ABC News/Wash Post 10/27 - 10/30 876 RV 4.0 55 40 Warren +15
FOX News 10/27 - 10/30 1040 RV 3.0 46 41 Warren +5
IBD/TIPP 10/24 - 10/31 863 RV 3.5 52 44 Warren +8
Emerson 10/18 - 10/21 1000 RV 3.0 51 49 Warren +2
CNN 10/17 - 10/20 892 RV 4.0 52 44 Warren +8
SurveyUSA 10/15 - 10/16 3080 RV 2.1 48 44 Warren +4
Quinnipiac 10/4 - 10/7 1483 RV 3.1 49 41 Warren +8

It's not surprising that arguing with you very much resembles arguing with Trumpists.

First of all. no one has voted yet, the polls are speculation and things can change and 2nd of all if you understand Bernie's strat you already know the polling will not represent the actual results, but that's all I'll say on polling because that's not what I was referring to when I said my points. Let me tell you something that I'm sure you already know about me, but I literally do not give a rat's *** about polling. I already went through my entire thing which is Policy. I've posted numerous things in this thread about Warren and you want to know how the responses to these usually go? in one person's case they pivot to my 2nd choice in Tulsi to point out things they disagree with in her record like that's gonna improve my view of Warren. The other thing is they pivot to polling data which like I said before I think you all put too much stock into. On top of that, If you think Warren can beat trump, good for you. post all the polls you want, I'll just go back to multiple interviews of Warren freaking out over simple questions, I'll go back to her changing her stance on Medicare for all, I'll go back to her lying about being a native american until she was almost 70. I'll go back to her lying about how her teaching job ended.

You need to understand something. Hillary was winning in the polls as well and all trump had to do was expose how terrible she is. Warren's 1 interaction with Trump had her be exposed as a liar when it comes to being a native American. On top of that what she's done in her professional life will also come back to haunt her such as helping a company that gave faulty implants out of paying women but yes, she's definitely progressive. She's definitely so progressive that she's taken big money during her senate race, trasnsfered it in to the general and acting like its entirely grassroots based. Oh let's not forget her "I'm not gonna take big money in the general but I'll raise it for the DNC who will give me, the nominee, the same big money I raised making me beholden to corporate america".

^ You see these points here? You can't refute those because they are true. All these policy and character stuff are all things she's said and done.

And another to add on to the things you can't defend or refute: She voted for Trump's military budget, the one that gave him even more money than he asked for, yet she claims she's gonna slash the military budget.

There is only 1 candidate that is in this race fighting for true single payer Medicare for all, There is only 1 candidate that wants to cancel all student debt, all medical debt. There is only 1 candidate who has never voted for any of Trump's military budgets. So please, keep on accusing me of things, and keep posting your wonderful pollng data when I'm here on policy which is what I'm always here on.

And let me say this. Trump doesn't need to win the popular vote, he just needs to win the electoral college, and polls has shown that he has a high chance of doing just that. On top of that all he'd need to do is depress the democratic vote, and with how much ammunition Warren is giving him right now and already has given him, how she crumbles under fair questions because she's not prepared or it's not part of her "plans". How her history is full of lies and her stories never stay the same. Yea, Trump will bash her over the head with this and he wont gain votes, he doesn't have to. The republican base is strong and always energized. However you need progressives to come out for the general, you need independents who are mostly progressive if you go issue by issue and ignore stupid labels like "liberal, and conservative and socialist". There's a reason progressive youtubers and others say Warren vs Trump is a vote for Trump. Its because almost everytime Warren opens her mouth she sticks her foot in it and Trump is a good debater. You guy's don't give him enough credit and he will rip her to shreds over that record of hers all the while having the general incumbent boost. Need I remind you that Bush got 8 years even though he was one of the most disliked Presidents and that Trump is actually doing fairly well in his approval rate?

AND ONE MORE THING: Since you think i'm saying conspiracy theory things (even though WARREN IS THE ONE SAYING THE THINGS I'M POSTING HERE) where is your proof that she did not take big money transfer it in and say she's going to take it in the general? Where's your proof that she hasn't pivoted on medicare for all and has gone for a public option? Where's your proof that she hasn't voted for Trump's LARGEST military budget increase? Which story is true about how she lost her teaching job? Is it false that she helped a company pay less to women who were hurt by their faulty breast implants? These are on her record, these are things she has said and done and these are the few I can think of off the top of my head, if I wanted to I could go, load up my twitter profile and scroll for every single retweet I have done where her entire record was on display. You can go back in this very same thread and find them, and look them up. Its all public knowledge. You can't refute facts Jumpin, you can't rewrite history. You can post all the polls you want but that wont change Warren's record, it wont change how she has a terrible M4a policy, how she doesn't cancel medical debt, how she leaves some of them with student debt out to dry with these means tested policies. So I'm going to say this one more time. Refute the policy, I'll wait :)

One more edit: Your ad-hominem attacks don't help you btw. I see you trying this same comparing me to trump supporters thing often, from the very first time I posted in this thread you tried to label me as some loony. You tried to say I'm in it cause of cult personality when I refuted and said its policy and its always been policy. You check my posts and 90% of them are policy. I do not care who the person is, I care about what they will do and Warren has proven to me that she's obama 2.0. A whole lot of talk and nothing else. Bernie's record spans 40 years of fighting for people and he's never pivoted that's why he's easier to trust than mrs I was a republican for 47 years of my life. Do you know what I do? Every time someone releases policy I research it and read articles about what it does and what impacts it does, I sometimes see what mike or Kyle do in their breakdowns of the policy and follow independent media who report it as it is. Warren's m4a plan is impossible to pass and hurts the middle class. That's an unfortunate truth since she's trying to stick on immigration reform among other things on it and pay for it with a head tax. Sorry but nah, not about that. Oh lord this segment was supposed to be about refuting your ad-hominem attacks and it became policy again. But that's somewhat my point here. If anyone is following a cult personality it's you. You're not even bothering to refute or digest the policy substance that is being discussed. You just immediately attack me for posting what Warren has done or said which makes absolutely 0 sense. I'm not the one doing it and with me a poor immigrant citizen of the united states having this information you can bet other camps including trump does as well. That's not how you argue, that's how you know you've lost the argument. Politics and policy are married, don't shoot the messenger :)

Jesus Christ!

What do you expect me to do with this horrifically written 1500 word essay-lengthed rant?

The first part you claim I can't refute, but I'm going to do just that:

So you think you're somehow proving Elizabeth Warren won't win?

You don't bring any studies or polls to the table. Why? Because the surveys and polls go against opinions. You are unwilling to accept those facts.

I have statistics and polls. You have your delusional fanboy opinion. As your evidence against polls, you claim the opinion polls were inaccurate in the Hillary Clinton election. The fact of the matter is they were only off by about 0.1% off:

Polling Data





Clinton (D)

Trump (R)


Final Results






Clinton +2.1

The actual result was Clinton winning by around 3 million, or +2.2 with the popular vote. Elizabeth Warren is polling significantly higher than 2.1% above Trump.

Do you not see what's happening to Trump right now?

You somehow think you have a killer argument with your false claim that Elizabeth Warren lying about her Native American heritage. The fact of the matter is that while she was wrong, she was mistaken, not lying. She even took a DNA test and released the results, if she wanted to lie, why would she do that? You seem incapable of distinguishing between that because you're a deluded and dishonest Bernie or Bitch fanboy.

See how easy that was?

And to sum up the rest of your nonsense:

You then move on with more attacks, more dishonest spins and granting over-importance to specific events and decisions of her past, more Bernie Sanders cult of personality style hero worship and hypocritical double standards. You lie about Elizabeth Warren being poor at debates as her debate performance has resulted in her skyrocketing up the polls in recent months. 

The reason your posts are so easy to take apart is that you live in a social media bubble of Bernie or Bust fanboys. Your interpretation of reality is not the same as the reality of the vast majority on the left. Instead of getting your news from legitimate sources, you get it from a highly limited number of American-based websites and spin channels on social media that service your Bernie or Bust social media bubble. You don't even make any attempts to challenge your own confirmation bias.

The reason I compare you to Trumpists is that you perform the role of a Trumpist within this thread. Not only that, your opinion on Trump seems to be identical to them, ignoring the polls and the reality of the situation he’s currently facing. You're not promoting left (or its goals), you're attacking it. You claim to only talk about the policies of Bernie Sanders, but you don't talk about them in anything more than the most simplistic buzz-phrases. Rather, the vast majority of your posts are concern trolling directed at Elizabeth Warren, the top polling leftist candidate running for President. The motivation for your trolling is because Elizabeth Warren's success is inconvenient for your fandom.

If you actually are pro-left and anti-right, I'd recommend you stop being a useful idiot for the Trump campaign.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

HylianSwordsman said:

To anyone that wants genuine Medicare For All, that gets rid of private health insurance in favor of expanding Medicare to cover all Americans for all healthcare, I would suggest you read this. The most important point it makes, I think is that the fight for Medicare For All is a political battle, not a technocratic one. That is to say, it's possible to do in a technical sense, indeed in a practical sense it is the pragmatic choice as our current system is the more expensive and unsustainable one, but it is politically difficult, meaning the actual power struggle to bring about the change in policy is the true obstacle, and requires the right strategy.

I think that's clear for most non-americans, since it's healthcare system is simply baffling for most who don't live there, especially Europeans.

Right now for instance, if I wanted to go to the US from Luxembourg, I would be obliged to get a travel insurance that covers flights back in case of emergency - as that is generally the cheaper option. Just let that sink in for a while: getting flown back over the pond in a special medical jet and then taken care of in Luxembourg is cheaper for the insurance than having to pay for the expenses you'd have in the US.

Jumpin said:
uran10 said:

First of all. no one has voted yet, the polls are speculation and things can change and 2nd of all if you understand Bernie's strat you already know the polling will not represent the actual results, but that's all I'll say on polling because that's not what I was referring to when I said my points. Let me tell you something that I'm sure you already know about me, but I literally do not give a rat's *** about polling. I already went through my entire thing which is Policy. I've posted numerous things in this thread about Warren and you want to know how the responses to these usually go? in one person's case they pivot to my 2nd choice in Tulsi to point out things they disagree with in her record like that's gonna improve my view of Warren. The other thing is they pivot to polling data which like I said before I think you all put too much stock into. On top of that, If you think Warren can beat trump, good for you. post all the polls you want, I'll just go back to multiple interviews of Warren freaking out over simple questions, I'll go back to her changing her stance on Medicare for all, I'll go back to her lying about being a native american until she was almost 70. I'll go back to her lying about how her teaching job ended.

You need to understand something. Hillary was winning in the polls as well and all trump had to do was expose how terrible she is. Warren's 1 interaction with Trump had her be exposed as a liar when it comes to being a native American. On top of that what she's done in her professional life will also come back to haunt her such as helping a company that gave faulty implants out of paying women but yes, she's definitely progressive. She's definitely so progressive that she's taken big money during her senate race, trasnsfered it in to the general and acting like its entirely grassroots based. Oh let's not forget her "I'm not gonna take big money in the general but I'll raise it for the DNC who will give me, the nominee, the same big money I raised making me beholden to corporate america".

^ You see these points here? You can't refute those because they are true. All these policy and character stuff are all things she's said and done.

And another to add on to the things you can't defend or refute: She voted for Trump's military budget, the one that gave him even more money than he asked for, yet she claims she's gonna slash the military budget.

There is only 1 candidate that is in this race fighting for true single payer Medicare for all, There is only 1 candidate that wants to cancel all student debt, all medical debt. There is only 1 candidate who has never voted for any of Trump's military budgets. So please, keep on accusing me of things, and keep posting your wonderful pollng data when I'm here on policy which is what I'm always here on.

And let me say this. Trump doesn't need to win the popular vote, he just needs to win the electoral college, and polls has shown that he has a high chance of doing just that. On top of that all he'd need to do is depress the democratic vote, and with how much ammunition Warren is giving him right now and already has given him, how she crumbles under fair questions because she's not prepared or it's not part of her "plans". How her history is full of lies and her stories never stay the same. Yea, Trump will bash her over the head with this and he wont gain votes, he doesn't have to. The republican base is strong and always energized. However you need progressives to come out for the general, you need independents who are mostly progressive if you go issue by issue and ignore stupid labels like "liberal, and conservative and socialist". There's a reason progressive youtubers and others say Warren vs Trump is a vote for Trump. Its because almost everytime Warren opens her mouth she sticks her foot in it and Trump is a good debater. You guy's don't give him enough credit and he will rip her to shreds over that record of hers all the while having the general incumbent boost. Need I remind you that Bush got 8 years even though he was one of the most disliked Presidents and that Trump is actually doing fairly well in his approval rate?

AND ONE MORE THING: Since you think i'm saying conspiracy theory things (even though WARREN IS THE ONE SAYING THE THINGS I'M POSTING HERE) where is your proof that she did not take big money transfer it in and say she's going to take it in the general? Where's your proof that she hasn't pivoted on medicare for all and has gone for a public option? Where's your proof that she hasn't voted for Trump's LARGEST military budget increase? Which story is true about how she lost her teaching job? Is it false that she helped a company pay less to women who were hurt by their faulty breast implants? These are on her record, these are things she has said and done and these are the few I can think of off the top of my head, if I wanted to I could go, load up my twitter profile and scroll for every single retweet I have done where her entire record was on display. You can go back in this very same thread and find them, and look them up. Its all public knowledge. You can't refute facts Jumpin, you can't rewrite history. You can post all the polls you want but that wont change Warren's record, it wont change how she has a terrible M4a policy, how she doesn't cancel medical debt, how she leaves some of them with student debt out to dry with these means tested policies. So I'm going to say this one more time. Refute the policy, I'll wait :)

One more edit: Your ad-hominem attacks don't help you btw. I see you trying this same comparing me to trump supporters thing often, from the very first time I posted in this thread you tried to label me as some loony. You tried to say I'm in it cause of cult personality when I refuted and said its policy and its always been policy. You check my posts and 90% of them are policy. I do not care who the person is, I care about what they will do and Warren has proven to me that she's obama 2.0. A whole lot of talk and nothing else. Bernie's record spans 40 years of fighting for people and he's never pivoted that's why he's easier to trust than mrs I was a republican for 47 years of my life. Do you know what I do? Every time someone releases policy I research it and read articles about what it does and what impacts it does, I sometimes see what mike or Kyle do in their breakdowns of the policy and follow independent media who report it as it is. Warren's m4a plan is impossible to pass and hurts the middle class. That's an unfortunate truth since she's trying to stick on immigration reform among other things on it and pay for it with a head tax. Sorry but nah, not about that. Oh lord this segment was supposed to be about refuting your ad-hominem attacks and it became policy again. But that's somewhat my point here. If anyone is following a cult personality it's you. You're not even bothering to refute or digest the policy substance that is being discussed. You just immediately attack me for posting what Warren has done or said which makes absolutely 0 sense. I'm not the one doing it and with me a poor immigrant citizen of the united states having this information you can bet other camps including trump does as well. That's not how you argue, that's how you know you've lost the argument. Politics and policy are married, don't shoot the messenger :)

Jesus Christ!

What do you expect me to do with this horrifically written 1500 word essay-lengthed rant?

The first part you claim I can't refute, but I'm going to do just that:

So you think you're somehow proving Elizabeth Warren won't win?

You don't bring any studies or polls to the table. Why? Because the surveys and polls go against opinions. You are unwilling to accept those facts.

I have statistics and polls. You have your delusional fanboy opinion. As your evidence against polls, you claim the opinion polls were inaccurate in the Hillary Clinton election. The fact of the matter is they were only off by about 0.1% off:

Polling Data





Clinton (D)

Trump (R)


Final Results






Clinton +2.1

The actual result was Clinton winning by around 3 million, or +2.2 with the popular vote. Elizabeth Warren is polling significantly higher than 2.1% above Trump.

Do you not see what's happening to Trump right now?

You somehow think you have a killer argument with your false claim that Elizabeth Warren lying about her Native American heritage. The fact of the matter is that while she was wrong, she was mistaken, not lying. She even took a DNA test and released the results, if she wanted to lie, why would she do that? You seem incapable of distinguishing between that because you're a deluded and dishonest Bernie or Bitch fanboy.

See how easy that was?

And to sum up the rest of your nonsense:

You then move on with more attacks, more dishonest spins and granting over-importance to specific events and decisions of her past, more Bernie Sanders cult of personality style hero worship and hypocritical double standards. You lie about Elizabeth Warren being poor at debates as her debate performance has resulted in her skyrocketing up the polls in recent months. 

The reason your posts are so easy to take apart is that you live in a social media bubble of Bernie or Bust fanboys. Your interpretation of reality is not the same as the reality of the vast majority on the left. Instead of getting your news from legitimate sources, you get it from a highly limited number of American-based websites and spin channels on social media that service your Bernie or Bust social media bubble. You don't even make any attempts to challenge your own confirmation bias.

The reason I compare you to Trumpists is that you perform the role of a Trumpist within this thread. Not only that, your opinion on Trump seems to be identical to them, ignoring the polls and the reality of the situation he’s currently facing. You're not promoting left (or its goals), you're attacking it. You claim to only talk about the policies of Bernie Sanders, but you don't talk about them in anything more than the most simplistic buzz-phrases. Rather, the vast majority of your posts are concern trolling directed at Elizabeth Warren, the top polling leftist candidate running for President. The motivation for your trolling is because Elizabeth Warren's success is inconvenient for your fandom.

If you actually are pro-left and anti-right, I'd recommend you stop being a useful idiot for the Trump campaign.

I'm no moderator but I think it's best for both y'all to chill. Especially with the ad hominem attacks.