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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Ultimate Pokemon Competition Gen 7 Edition Round 1 - Match 4

Approved by Cycycychris

Welcome everyone to a new uran10 pokemon competition, which is pretty much a rehash of an old competition only with some new pokemon! This tournament will feature all 827 pokemon (alolan forms are counted as their own) and will crown who is VGC's favourite pokemon of the first 7 generations of pokemon. In Round 1 there will be 25 matches, 23 matches will feature 33 pokemon while the first 2 matches will feature 34. 19 of these Pokemon will advance to the 2nd round and the 20th and 21st place will be given a 2nd chance in a special bonus round.

Even though there are 33 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:

10p Wartortle

9p Squirtle

8p cyndaquil

7p chimchar

6p turtwig

5p poliwag

4p caterpie

3p Pikachu

2p Ledyba

1p Pichu

Tie Breaker Results:

Dwebble 5 points

Sunflora 4 points

Whirlipede 2 points

Match 3 Results:

1) Umbreon 48 points

2) Heracross 35 points

3) Empoleon 30 points

4) Oricorio 28 points

5) Infernape 27 points

6) Meowth, Xerneas and Alolan Vulpix 25 points

9) Ludicolo 19 points

10) Torchic 18 Points

11) Goldeen and Furret 12 Points

13) Krokorok and Farfetch'd 10 Points

15) Magcargo 9 Points

16) Tepig 8 points

17) Vileplume 7 points

18) Abomasnow, Marshadow, Tirtouga and Hawlucha 6 Points (tie breaker)

22) Crustle 5 Points

23) Hypno 4 points

24) Snover 3 points

25) Bonsly 1 point

26) Drowzee, Shelgon, Stunfisk, Wynaut, Bruxish, Trubbish, Skuntank, Mantyke 0 points

Tie breaker: Choose 2 of the 4 Pokemon, 2 will advance 2 will not:

#460 Abomasnow

#802 Marshadow

#564 Tirtouga

#701 Hawlucha


The next 33 Pokemon in round 1 are

#441 Chatot

#172 Pichu

#173 Cleffa

#53B Alolan Persian

#213 Shuckle

#662 Fletchinder

#642 Thundurus

#90 Shellder

#565 Carracosta

#55 Golduck

#785 Tapu Koko

#373 Salamence

#38B Alolan Ninetails

#705 Sliggoo

#768 Golisopod

#500 Emboar

#720 Hoopa

#51 Dugtio

#510 Liepard

#220 Swinub

#312 Minun

#792 Lunala

#430 Honchkrow

#545 Scolipede

#207 Gligar

#50B Alolan Diglett

#146 Moltres

#291 Ninjask

#101 Electrode

#744 Rockruff

#263 Zigzagoon

#15 Beedrill

#718 Zygarde

Remember you are only voting for 10 of the above 33 pokemon you want to advance

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Tie breaker: Marshadow! And Hawlucha too, I guess.

10p Minun
9p Alolan Ninetales
8p Salamence
7p Golisopod
6p Rockruff
5p Sliggoo
4p Golduck
4p Tapu Koko
3p Zigzagoon
2p Pichu
1p Ninjask

This round was definitely the hardest one so far.

tie breaker: Hawlucha and tirtouga

10p Alolan Ninetails
9p Tapo Koko
8p Rockruff
7p Pichu
6p Honchkrow
5p Fletchinder
4p Lunala
3p Cleffa
2p Moltres
1p Dugtrio

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Flilix said:
Tie breaker: Marshadow! And Hawlucha too, I guess.

10p Minun
9p Alolan Ninetales
8p Salamence
7p Golisopod
6p Rockruff
5p Sliggoo
4p Golduck
4p Tapu Koko
3p Zigzagoon
2p Pichu
1p Ninjask

This round was definitely the hardest one so far.

You did 4 twice, but I'll just count it as tapu 3, zig 2, pichu 1

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Tie-breaker: Abomasnow, Hawlucha

10p Salamence
9p Moltres
8p Gligar
7p Swinub
6p Rockruff
5p Electrode
4p Golduck
3p Alolan Ninetales
2p Honchkrow
1p Dugtrio

Tie-breaker: Abomasnow and Tirtouga

10p Golduck
9p Electrode
8p Zigzagoon
7p Scolipede
6p Chatot
5p Shellder
4p Carracosta
3p Beedrill
2p Minun
1p Ninjask


Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

Tie breaker: Marshadow and Hawlucha, because I am no barbarian.

10p Shuckle
9p Pichu
8p Chatot
7p Tapu Koko
6p Fletchinder
5p Emboar
4p Moltres
3p Liepard
2p Alolan Ninetails
1p Zygarde

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Tie breaker: Tirtouga and Hawlucha, because I am a barbarian.

10p Carracosta
9p Minun
8p Salamence
7p Emboar
6p Fletchinder
5p Tapu Koko
4p Moltres
3p Zygarde
2p Alolan Ninetails
1p Dugtrio

Next round:

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