Approved by Cycycychris
Welcome everyone to a new uran10 pokemon competition, which is pretty much a rehash of an old competition only with some new pokemon! This tournament will feature all 827 pokemon (alolan forms are counted as their own) and will crown who is VGC's favourite pokemon of the first 7 generations of pokemon. In Round 1 there will be 25 matches, 23 matches will feature 33 pokemon while the first 2 matches will feature 34. 19 of these Pokemon will advance to the 2nd round and the 20th and 21st place will be given a 2nd chance in a special bonus round.
Even though there are 33 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:
10p Wartortle
9p Squirtle
8p cyndaquil
7p chimchar
6p turtwig
5p poliwag
4p caterpie
3p Pikachu
2p Ledyba
1p Pichu
Tie Breaker Results:
Hawlucha 6 points
Marshadow and Tirtouga 3 points
Abomasnow 2 points
Match 4 Results:
1) Salamence 35 points
2) Alolan Ninetails 26 points
3) Tapu Koko 24 points
4) Carracosta 22 points
5) Minun 21 points
6) Rockruff 20 points
7) Emboar and Moltres 19 points
9) Golduck 18 Points
10) Chatot, Pichu, Fletchinder, Golisopod and Electrode 17 Points
15) Zigzagoon 14 Points
16) Shuckle and Lunala 10 Points
18) Honchkrow and Gligar 8 points
20) Swinub and Scolipede 7 points (second chance)
22) Ninjask 6 Points
23) Shellder, Sliggoo, Beedrill 5points
26) Zygarde 4 points
27) Dugtrio and Liepard 3 point
29) Alola Diglett 1 point
30) Cleffa, Alolan Persian, Thundurus, and Hoopa 0 Points.
SUPER Tie breaker: Choose 1 of the 2 pokemon to advance
#802 Marshadow
#564 Tirtouga
The next 33 Pokemon in round 1 are
#696 Tyrunt
#702 Dedenne
#385 Jirachi
#734 Yungoos
#447 Riolu
#318 Carvanha
#196 Espeon
#251 Celebi
#668 Pyroar
#619 Mienfoo
#133 Eevee
#737 Charjabug
#542 Leavanny
#611 Fraxure
#538 Throh
#651 Quilladin
#588 Karablast
#193 Yanma
#249 Lugia
#723 Dartrix
#440 Happiny
#112 Rhydon
#209 Snubbull
#218 Slugma
#59 Arcanine
#350 Milotic
#798 Kartana
#26 Raichu
#14 Kakuna
#532 Timburr
#773 Silvally
#354 Banette
#652 Chesnaut
Remember you are only voting for 10 of the above 33 pokemon you want to advance
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