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Forums - Sony Discussion - More Evidence for Mass Effect on PS3

twesterm said:

I still seriously doubt it.

Mass Effect is just not coming to PS3 and without it, it doesn't make sense for Mass Effect 2 to come to the PS3.

If it were coming, little snippets like that would be everywhere.  Someone didn't go in and manuelly remove all references to PS3, they would make a script to remove those and a script wouldn't miss that.

Like they removed all the PS3 references from the Unreal .INI files for Bioshock... wait!

I'm not convinced myself, but for the .INI file to even have PS3 references - and not generic ones, Mass Effect 2 specific ones, is pretty interesting.  There wouldn't be any PS3 references if they hadn't as a minimum toyed with PS3 support.

They may have decided against it, MS might have sweeted Mass Effect 2 for EA by covering some marketing costs and the like, but for sure somewhere along the line the engine was tried on PS3 based on those .INI enteries.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold my breath as a PS3 only owner unless you really don't want to play the game on PC or 360.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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CGI-Quality said:
bobobologna said:
CGI-Quality said:
bobobologna said:
CGI-Quality said:
I still don't see it happening, especially not anytime soon. I mean, is EA struggling with this one or something? Why does it NEED a PS3 release?

I say, if you want Mass Effect 2, get an Xbox 360 or update/buy a capable PC.

To make more money.  Resident Evil 5 sold 2.5 million on the PS3.  AND it sold 2.7 million on the XBox360.  Plus whatever it sold on the PC.  Mass Effect 1 sold 2.13 million on the XBox360, plus whatever it sold on the PC.  Why wouldn't you want to tap into that potential market, especially if you are a third party publisher and you have no contractual obligations to stay XBox360 exclusive?

Granted, Mass Effect probably won't have nearly the same kind of success that Resident Evil 5 had.  Resident Evil has always been on Playstation platforms.  Mass Effect would probably have to work a bit harder to garner the same kind of audience on the PS3.  But the payoff could be well worth it.

Actually, RE5 sold 2.7 on PS3, 2.5 on 360.

Also, 'to make more money', is that the attitude the industry should take? I mean, what's the point of multiple systems then? Mass Effect started as an Xbox franchise. IMO, that's where it should remain.

Yes, in case you didn't realize, publishers are in the business of making money.  I'm not saying that EA is going to port Mass Effect, or that they should, or need to.  I'm just saying that as a publisher, out to maximize profits for their investors, there could potentially be a market for Mass Effect on the PS3.  Bioshock and Lost Planet each sold 500k on the PS3, and those were year old ports (and Lost Planet was a poor port).  I'm sure the sequels will do even better when they are released day and date with the XBox360 version.

EA doesn't care that in your opinion, Mass Effect should remain exclusive.  If EA decides not to port Mass Effect, it won't be to give the XBox360 a unique franchise.  It'll be purely for business reasons.  They could care less about your desire to have different games on each system.  I don't even know why you keep bringing it up.

It's up to Microsoft to get people to buy an XBox360, not third party publishers and developers.

A. I didn't say publishers didn't want money, I said MORE money. What is the main reason things go from exclusive to multiplat, to make MORE money. If EA wants MORE money, that's fine. I just don't agree with it, especially with an established franchise that ISN'T struggling.

B. EA also doesn't care if you wish for Mass Effect to go multi or not. That works both ways.

C. I take this attitude with exclusives in general. I can't change your mind, as you can't change mine. I just think you have things a little backwards.

A.  Publishers are out to maximize profits from every game.  I can't imagine a PS3 port of Mass Effect 2 being too much work, considering that they use UE3 which is cross platform.  And Bioware/EA isn't exactly a small company.  I would imagine that the video game industry is a bit like the movie industry.  You lose money or break even on a lot of games, and the games that do become hits, you wring as much money as possible from.

B.  I know that.  I've said before that I don't think that Mass Effect will ever come to the PS3.  If it does, great, I'll buy it.  If it doesn't, no big deal, I'll buy it on Steam once I'm done Mass Effect 1.

C.  How do I have things backwards?  If someone makes a product, it's their responsibility to ensure that they give compelling reasons for consumers to buy their product.

This pretty much guarantee's it I guess, if we see a bioshock like repeat

well good for me, but by the time its out I'll probably have it on my new laptop anyway.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

CGI-Quality said:
^ ^ It's interesting, where was this defense when I said these EXACT same things regarding MGS4, FFvXIII in regards to ports to the 360? It seems like some of you are touchy because it's dealing with the PS3.

Um, I don't know if I've ever really posted in any FFvXIII threads, or been heavily interested in it.  And I don't believe I've ever said that MGS4 should remain PS3 exclusive, but I probably did give reasons why I thought it would be PS3 exclusive, and remain PS3 exclusive.

To clarify, I'm not arguing that Mass Effect should be crossplatform.  I'm just saying that it's not like EA doesn't have ANY incentive at all to port it over.

here is the original source (polish):

"Mam jakieś dziwne przeczucie, że Shepard jest bliżej trójki niż nam się wszystkim zdaje... A jakie jest wasze zdanie na ten temat?"

Lol as far as I understand it:

"I have the strong feeling that Shepard for the PS3 is nearer then all of us think. And how is your opinion to the theme"

Someone here said the exact same.

Ok I really hope it will come to the PS3. CGI mentioned if there are just multiplats why do we need different systems ?

Infact I would prefer one console which has the best graphics and gets ALL games. Nintendo Sony MS. I cant see a need for different consoles. Maybe every producer could distribute licensed Control options so the games would vary. But if all three would take a small piece of the loss. But could sell their games to a huge 200 Million or even more audience it would he really the best thing.

I dont need 3 boxes in front of my TV thats why I bought the PS3 so I wont even need a BR Player. But in the end I would prefer ONE Console which offers everything. best graphics. Sony Nintendo and Wii Controls. And which gets not only all Pc games but also all Console games. This is my dream. A Console with such a diverse library that it has Mario galaxy and Zelda plus Uncharted and Halo. mass effect and God of war.

The console should offer BR and Media player qualities Nintendo MS and Sony Network access. And also the best graphics combined with the ability to emulate ALL Consoles of the past. So you can put in GC games DC games PS2 games or download N64 Snes and NES games. The box itself the console itself could be just one console sold at a small loss but all three could take it so it could offer the best available technology for a mass market price of 299. In a normal week this console could sell 600k in christmas weeks upto 3.5-4 Million Units.

All three would have unlimited access to a vast userbase and they could still be oponents. They could offer the best games the best online and the best control scheme.

Maybe MS traded the rights for Mass effect one against the right to get all three parts timed exclusive. Maybe EA said ok we cant release Mass effect 1 on PS3 but what if we offer you a Mass effect 2-3 timed exclusivity against the right to release Mass effect 1 on Ps3. From MS point of view it would be a great deal. Because Mass Effect 1 already pushed the hardware sales and Mass Effect 2 would sell more on 360 if its timed exclusive. Aslong as the market dont know its a win win situation for MS and EA. I can imagine MS made such a deal.

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Reasonable said:
twesterm said:

I still seriously doubt it.

Mass Effect is just not coming to PS3 and without it, it doesn't make sense for Mass Effect 2 to come to the PS3.

If it were coming, little snippets like that would be everywhere.  Someone didn't go in and manuelly remove all references to PS3, they would make a script to remove those and a script wouldn't miss that.

Like they removed all the PS3 references from the Unreal .INI files for Bioshock... wait!

I'm not convinced myself, but for the .INI file to even have PS3 references - and not generic ones, Mass Effect 2 specific ones, is pretty interesting.  There wouldn't be any PS3 references if they hadn't as a minimum toyed with PS3 support.

They may have decided against it, MS might have sweeted Mass Effect 2 for EA by covering some marketing costs and the like, but for sure somewhere along the line the engine was tried on PS3 based on those .INI enteries.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold my breath as a PS3 only owner unless you really don't want to play the game on PC or 360.

But again, why would there be a single reference and not 1000 references?

If there actually was a PS3 version in the works then those references would be all over the place.  That means for just one to be left then someone would have to go through line by line and remove those references?  Only a moron would do something like that because it would waste hours and possibly even days.  Anyone with a lick of sense would just write a script.

But then why would a script miss that?  Simple answer-- it wouldn't.

So what does that leave us?  There might have been some PS3 functionality in the works possibly near the beginning of the project when it could have been in question or that could just be simple book keeping on someone's part or it could actually be evidence of a PS3 version.  Short answer it doesn't leave us anything but speculation and NOTHING else.

It's pointless for people to get their hopes up over this.


Another thing, Bioware does not do the ports for their games.

If Mass Effect 2 were going to the PS3, they would hire someone else to port it to the PS3, probably the same people that ported Dragon Age to the consoles.

In that case, they would be two completely separate builds that have never seen each other and there would be no reason to have that above stuff mixed in there.

All this thread and the "evidence" in the OP is just wishful thinking.  Face it, not every game comes to every console.  It sucks but that's life.  If you want to play Mass Effect, buy a PC or 360, if you want to play God of War, buy a PS3, if you want to play Super Mario Galaxy, buy a Wii.

CGI-Quality said:
Beyond that, why would EA want to port the franchise over on it's second installment within the gen? That would mean that the first would have to be ported as well, no?

I mean, sure, it isn't impossible, look at Dead Rising. But I just don't see it happening on one hand, and on another hand, hope it doesn't.

It's EA, it's a big name game. I'm sure they will port it the moment they have a window. If they add extra content which I'm pretty sure they would have to with Sony's policy, it would add more of an incentive for current owners to pick it up again as well.

if EA is going to release it, they should do it as a double pack on a single blu-ray disc.

It's EA so it may happen I don't belive microsoft has a deal with bioware so.