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here is the original source (polish):

"Mam jakieś dziwne przeczucie, że Shepard jest bliżej trójki niż nam się wszystkim zdaje... A jakie jest wasze zdanie na ten temat?"

Lol as far as I understand it:

"I have the strong feeling that Shepard for the PS3 is nearer then all of us think. And how is your opinion to the theme"

Someone here said the exact same.

Ok I really hope it will come to the PS3. CGI mentioned if there are just multiplats why do we need different systems ?

Infact I would prefer one console which has the best graphics and gets ALL games. Nintendo Sony MS. I cant see a need for different consoles. Maybe every producer could distribute licensed Control options so the games would vary. But if all three would take a small piece of the loss. But could sell their games to a huge 200 Million or even more audience it would he really the best thing.

I dont need 3 boxes in front of my TV thats why I bought the PS3 so I wont even need a BR Player. But in the end I would prefer ONE Console which offers everything. best graphics. Sony Nintendo and Wii Controls. And which gets not only all Pc games but also all Console games. This is my dream. A Console with such a diverse library that it has Mario galaxy and Zelda plus Uncharted and Halo. mass effect and God of war.

The console should offer BR and Media player qualities Nintendo MS and Sony Network access. And also the best graphics combined with the ability to emulate ALL Consoles of the past. So you can put in GC games DC games PS2 games or download N64 Snes and NES games. The box itself the console itself could be just one console sold at a small loss but all three could take it so it could offer the best available technology for a mass market price of 299. In a normal week this console could sell 600k in christmas weeks upto 3.5-4 Million Units.

All three would have unlimited access to a vast userbase and they could still be oponents. They could offer the best games the best online and the best control scheme.

Maybe MS traded the rights for Mass effect one against the right to get all three parts timed exclusive. Maybe EA said ok we cant release Mass effect 1 on PS3 but what if we offer you a Mass effect 2-3 timed exclusivity against the right to release Mass effect 1 on Ps3. From MS point of view it would be a great deal. Because Mass Effect 1 already pushed the hardware sales and Mass Effect 2 would sell more on 360 if its timed exclusive. Aslong as the market dont know its a win win situation for MS and EA. I can imagine MS made such a deal.