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twesterm said:

I still seriously doubt it.

Mass Effect is just not coming to PS3 and without it, it doesn't make sense for Mass Effect 2 to come to the PS3.

If it were coming, little snippets like that would be everywhere.  Someone didn't go in and manuelly remove all references to PS3, they would make a script to remove those and a script wouldn't miss that.

Like they removed all the PS3 references from the Unreal .INI files for Bioshock... wait!

I'm not convinced myself, but for the .INI file to even have PS3 references - and not generic ones, Mass Effect 2 specific ones, is pretty interesting.  There wouldn't be any PS3 references if they hadn't as a minimum toyed with PS3 support.

They may have decided against it, MS might have sweeted Mass Effect 2 for EA by covering some marketing costs and the like, but for sure somewhere along the line the engine was tried on PS3 based on those .INI enteries.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold my breath as a PS3 only owner unless you really don't want to play the game on PC or 360.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...