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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ubisoft Cuts Sales Projections In Half For Red Steel 2.

NeoStar9 said:
I guess this means no advertising at all or perhaps even less then the little bit they might have been planning. Ugh. I really dislike this. If this wasn't going to be advertised I wasn't going to bother with it. If publishers don't think their game is worth it to advertise then it's not worth my money in the end. That's the stance I've taken. I was really looking forward to Red Steel 2. Ugh. I guess it's time to remove my preorder from Amazon until I see how things play out.

Let's see if it has advertising first. Also, imo, one shouldn't buy or not buy a game depending on whether it is advertised. Not advertising does not mean they don't believe in the game's quality, it just may mean they are stupid enough to believe what is being said by Wii detractors about Wii demographics and are afraid to lose even more money.

Buy a game if it's good, not if the publisher is smart enough to advertise or stupid enough not to.

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Kasz216 said:
Kennyheart said:

Ubisoft projects sales of 500,000 for Red Steel 2 as the game prepares for launch in March of this year.

Ubisoft has set low sales expectations for its MotionPlus infused Wii game, Red Steel 2, by stating that initial expectations of 1 million sales for the title have now been cut in half to a meagre 500,000 units as the game prepares for launch in March.

During a financial conference call earlier this week, Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot fielded a question on Avatar sales and expectations for Red Steel 2 with the following response: "For Avatar we said 2.5 million units and our expectations were more in the 3.5-4 million [region].  On Red Steel we decided, in our expectations, to divide the quantity by two and previously we had around a million."

Despite the fact that these sales expectations are low, they aren't necessarily representative of Red Steel 2's quality. Ubisoft may simply be accounting for the poor performance of other core titles on the Wii (e.g. MadWorld, The Conduit, and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles), as well as a 50% drop-off in Ubisoft's own casual market during the current financial year.

They specfically stated avatar as a reason.

It had nothing to do with core wii games....

It has to do with consumer purchasing being down again.  Recently consumer purchasing has "unexpectidly" for some plummeted.


The bailouts really didn't do their job and the economy may start lagging again.


Why do people jump to wild conclusions when the reason is in the same article?


But according to what they say, Avatar was 29-37% lower than their expectations (and they're cutting RS2's expectations by 50%). Spending on games is not down by that much, so it doesn't make sense.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:
Kennyheart said:

Ubisoft projects sales of 500,000 for Red Steel 2 as the game prepares for launch in March of this year.

Ubisoft has set low sales expectations for its MotionPlus infused Wii game, Red Steel 2, by stating that initial expectations of 1 million sales for the title have now been cut in half to a meagre 500,000 units as the game prepares for launch in March.

During a financial conference call earlier this week, Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot fielded a question on Avatar sales and expectations for Red Steel 2 with the following response: "For Avatar we said 2.5 million units and our expectations were more in the 3.5-4 million [region].  On Red Steel we decided, in our expectations, to divide the quantity by two and previously we had around a million."

Despite the fact that these sales expectations are low, they aren't necessarily representative of Red Steel 2's quality. Ubisoft may simply be accounting for the poor performance of other core titles on the Wii (e.g. MadWorld, The Conduit, and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles), as well as a 50% drop-off in Ubisoft's own casual market during the current financial year.

They specfically stated avatar as a reason.

It had nothing to do with core wii games....

It has to do with consumer purchasing being down again.  Recently consumer purchasing has "unexpectidly" for some plummeted.


The bailouts really didn't do their job and the economy may start lagging again.


Why do people jump to wild conclusions when the reason is in the same article?


But according to what they say, Avatar was 29-37% lower than their expectations (and they're cutting RS2's expectations by 50%). Spending on games is not down by that much, so it doesn't make sense.


29-37% of 1 million is


630K to 710K.


Sales projections to my knwoledge are only done in incriments of 250K.  It's just simplier that way then saying we expect it to sell 631,024 copies.


So why would you go 750K when you know the Avatar numbers were below that %?

Kasz216 said:

29-37% of 1 million is


630K to 710K.


Sales projections to my knwoledge are only done in incriments of 250K.  It's just simplier that way then saying we expect it to sell 631,024 copies.


So why would you go 750K when you know the Avatar numbers were below that %?


I just don't know what Avatar has to do with Red Steel 2. Again spending on games isn't down by 29-37% or even close.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:

29-37% of 1 million is


630K to 710K.


Sales projections to my knwoledge are only done in incriments of 250K.  It's just simplier that way then saying we expect it to sell 631,024 copies.


So why would you go 750K when you know the Avatar numbers were below that %?


I just don't know what Avatar has to do with Red Steel 2. Again spending on games isn't down by 29-37% or even close.


Consumer spending may not be down by 29-37%, but their predictions on things seem to be down by that amount.

Perhaps when they made their expecations they were expecting consumer spending on videogames to skyrocket and it just hasn't happened?

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So no advertisning what so ever comfirmed?

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:

29-37% of 1 million is


630K to 710K.


Sales projections to my knwoledge are only done in incriments of 250K.  It's just simplier that way then saying we expect it to sell 631,024 copies.


So why would you go 750K when you know the Avatar numbers were below that %?


I just don't know what Avatar has to do with Red Steel 2. Again spending on games isn't down by 29-37% or even close.


Why else would they have mentioned it?

Consumer spending may not be down by 29-37%, but their predictions on things seem to be down by that amount.

Perhaps when they made their expecations they were expecting consumer spending on videogames to skyrocket and it just hasn't happened?


^ That is exactly my question. Why would they cherry pick a game and then use its performance to predict a completely different game?

Clearly they expected too much from Avatar, I don't see how that makes them think they overestimated RS2 by this much. That's all I'm saying.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Gamerace said:
bmmb1 said:
kingofwale said:
BrandonM said:
gustave154 said:
Can't imagine kids and families playing red steel together.....
500k sounds reasonable.

Yep it sure does if your a sonyfanboy.....


He was right. This is not a game for kids, it's not a game for family and it's not a game for more than 1 person.

How many of those games on Wii sold well? This is clearly a case of a game that doesn't really fit the console demographic.


Anybody can see this, regardless whether you love the console to death or not

Admittedly Nintendo games, but nevertheless Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime Corruption also "don't really fit the console demographic" by your definition.

Nintendo franchises sell to Nintendo core.   You'll note they sold similar numbers as the GC versions did despite a userbase 3 times the size.   Even SMG and SSBB didn't outsell their GC counterparts but much considering the massive difference in userbase.

Nintendo core don't seem to buy a lot of 3rd party titles.   Why more Zelda fans didn't get Okami is beyond me.   Not that I'd except Okami to sell 6m but 1 or even 500k-1m would have been nice considering it's an AAA title in the same vein of Zelda.     If Okami can't get that crowd to buy why would RS2?

That's because 3rd party titles are inferior to Nintendo made games. I thought we were over this fallacy...

Who works for these companies. Advertise more than just dance you will get better sales. SIMPLE

Meh, I agree with some others here, I could see them not advertising the game, AT ALL, then afterward whine how core titles don't sell on Wii and release a bunch of Babyz Partyz.

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