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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ubisoft Cuts Sales Projections In Half For Red Steel 2.

500 000 is very little not you think? say for a game that has waited a long



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NJ5 said:
Gamerace said:
bmmb1 said:
kingofwale said:
BrandonM said:
gustave154 said:
Can't imagine kids and families playing red steel together.....
500k sounds reasonable.

Yep it sure does if your a sonyfanboy.....


He was right. This is not a game for kids, it's not a game for family and it's not a game for more than 1 person.

How many of those games on Wii sold well? This is clearly a case of a game that doesn't really fit the console demographic.


Anybody can see this, regardless whether you love the console to death or not

Admittedly Nintendo games, but nevertheless Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime Corruption also "don't really fit the console demographic" by your definition.

Nintendo franchises sell to Nintendo core.   You'll note they sold similar numbers as the GC versions did despite a userbase 3 times the size.   Even SMG and SSBB didn't outsell their GC counterparts but much considering the massive difference in userbase.

Nintendo core don't seem to buy a lot of 3rd party titles.   Why more Zelda fans didn't get Okami is beyond me.   Not that I'd except Okami to sell 6m but 1 or even 500k-1m would have been nice considering it's an AAA title in the same vein of Zelda.     If Okami can't get that crowd to buy why would RS2?


You may be trying to find hard explanations for things which are easy to explain. Why didn't Okami on the PS2 sell more than Okami on the Wii, or God Hand on the PS2 vs Madworld on the Wii, or the previous Fatal Frame games which sold about the same as Fatal Frame 4 on the Wii?

Not everything is about the demographics.


Easy.  The competition on PS2 was fierce.   For those same games on Wii there's very sparce competition to compete with.  RS2 will benefit from that too,  SW Clone Wars Lightsaber Battles being the only 'perceived' competition (it isn't in the same league but many may not realize that).  But that still doesn't help it break a million, especially when SWCLLB (which is a 1m+ seller) had single multiplayer and RS2 doesn't.


kingofwale said:
NJ5 said:
kingofwale said:
considering the continuing failing of first person shooting genre, dispite much hype and developer's dedication (and I'm talking about Conduit)

Does it take a genius in Ubisoft to realize the game probably won't sell like hotcake first party games??

Why didn't you choose one of the better-performing Wii FPSs as your example? Like for example COD at 1.40 million?

You don't really have to answer.


a CoD game selling only 1.4 million??? To me, that is a massive failure in itself. Much smaller install-based were able to sell much more. This argument is old, look at threads talking about Madden or Fifa games and you will get a sense of this

Much like Wii music, selling millions but still considered a failure.


I am happy, for once, that Ubisoft realize this game will not sell too much. Overshipping will destory Ubisoft's profit margin. It's much easier to ship second shipment after selling out the first.

Let's see how much Call of Duty would sell on PS3/XBox360 with zero advertising and gimped versions. I think it's pretty impressive that Call of Duty brings in as much money as it does on the Wii.

Red Steel 2 will sell just as most "hardcore" games do on the Wii. The first month won't be in line with internet fanboy/gaming journalists expectations. They'll label it a bomb, and never look at the real sales again. Six months to a year later, Ubisoft will come out with shipped numbers for Red Steel 2 showing it sold far more than anyone expected. It's such a predictable cycle.

Gamerace said:

Easy.  The competition on PS2 was fierce.   For those same games on Wii there's very sparce competition to compete with.  RS2 will benefit from that too,  SW Clone Wars Lightsaber Battles being the only 'perceived' competition (it isn't in the same league but many may not realize that).  But that still doesn't help it break a million, especially when SWCLLB (which is a 1m+ seller) had single multiplayer and RS2 doesn't.


Competition was more fierce, but then again the PS2 had a bigger userbase and sold LESS units of these games (except the FF example)... So again, I don't see that the problem is with the Wii userbase.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

This is seriously starting to piss me off. When I'm done cleaning my house, I'll be back here with some extra long postage, hopefully that will end this thread.

Expect an edit......

EDIT: Ok, lets see what the OP stated and dissect it:

Ubisoft projects sales of 500,000 for Red Steel 2.

Ubisoft's initial expectations of 1 million sales for the title have now been cut in half to a meagre 500,000 units as the game prepares for launch in March.

During a financial conference call earlier this week, Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot fielded a question on Avatar sales and expectations for Red Steel 2 with the following response: "For Avatar we said 2.5 million units and our expectations were more in the 3.5-4 million [region].  On Red Steel we decided, in our expectations, to divide the quantity by two and previously we had around a million."

Despite the fact that these sales expectations are low, they aren't necessarily representative of Red Steel 2's quality. Ubisoft may simply be accounting for the poor performance of other core titles on the Wii (e.g. MadWorld, The Conduit, and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles), as well as a 50% drop-off in Ubisoft's own casual market during the current financial year.


Mistake #1: Madworld & The Conduit were stated as successes for Sega several times. Besides the fact that a Conduit 2 is planned, one of the staff members behind Madworld (I forget if it is the producer or not) stated they have plans for a sequel and were comfortable with the 400k it sold.

Mistake #2: Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles has sold 300k in two months, 60% of what they expect Red Steel to do lifetime, at full-price. The title has only released in Japan two days ago, where the previous title sold more than 150k IIRC.  It will not match the original's sales, but surely these should be taken into account. The fact that it is ON-RAILS and has yet to sell at a price point they thrive in is misguided assumption on their part.


Mistake #3: Ubisoft's casual market is not representative of their core. Just because their low-budget software has sold like it DESERVED is not indicative of the potential reception of RS2. Removing multiplayer will hamper sales of course, but the title should sell despite that.


In my opinion, based on what they stated here, their dismal expectations are unwarranted. If they advertise it, which I doubt they will for this or No More Heroes 2, than these expectations can be valid. If RS2 is anywhere near DECENT, which I believe it will be due to Nintendo's involvement and quality art style, it will blaze past 500k.

The Conduit will have 400-430k sold after a full year on the market (at .38m now, released in June). COD: Modern Warfare Reflex has sold about 650k so far, in less than 3 months. The previos two CODs before sold 1 million. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 sold long as they have faith within this title enough to promote it, it will surpass 500k after NO MORE than 9 months.


I might not have ended the thread, but eh, I try....

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Around the Network
NJ5 said:
Gamerace said:

Easy.  The competition on PS2 was fierce.   For those same games on Wii there's very sparce competition to compete with.  RS2 will benefit from that too,  SW Clone Wars Lightsaber Battles being the only 'perceived' competition (it isn't in the same league but many may not realize that).  But that still doesn't help it break a million, especially when SWCLLB (which is a 1m+ seller) had single multiplayer and RS2 doesn't.


Competition was more fierce, but then again the PS2 had a bigger userbase and sold LESS units of these games (except the FF example)... So again, I don't see that the problem is with the Wii userbase.


The userbase isn't a problem.  Lightsaber Battles sold over 1m.  The game is.


milkyjoe said:
It's as if nobody bought the first one in the series judging from a few posts here... But it sold over a million when the console was brand new, so the userbase argument is none existent and irrelevant, because there is no massive userbase at launch.

All they need to do is market it to the people that enjoyed the sword fighting game in WSR. It's a no brainer really.

But then I'm starting to doubt the intelligence of the execs at gaming companies...


Exactly. Red Steel 2 is an easy sell if they advertise it. You can go after those that enjoyed the first one. You can tailor the ads to draw comparisons between it and the sword fighting in Wii Sports Resort. The game can pull in very good numbers if given a serious marketing push. However these companies continue to refuse to do so. Watch them do nothing for Red Steel 2 and then complain about its sales.

Inigo13 said:
kingofwale said:
NJ5 said:
kingofwale said:
considering the continuing failing of first person shooting genre, dispite much hype and developer's dedication (and I'm talking about Conduit)

Does it take a genius in Ubisoft to realize the game probably won't sell like hotcake first party games??

Why didn't you choose one of the better-performing Wii FPSs as your example? Like for example COD at 1.40 million?

You don't really have to answer.


a CoD game selling only 1.4 million??? To me, that is a massive failure in itself. Much smaller install-based were able to sell much more. This argument is old, look at threads talking about Madden or Fifa games and you will get a sense of this

Much like Wii music, selling millions but still considered a failure.


I am happy, for once, that Ubisoft realize this game will not sell too much. Overshipping will destory Ubisoft's profit margin. It's much easier to ship second shipment after selling out the first.

Let's see how much Call of Duty would sell on PS3/XBox360 with zero advertising and gimped versions. I think it's pretty impressive that Call of Duty brings in as much money as it does on the Wii.

Red Steel 2 will sell just as most "hardcore" games do on the Wii. The first month won't be in line with internet fanboy/gaming journalists expectations. They'll label it a bomb, and never look at the real sales again. Six months to a year later, Ubisoft will come out with shipped numbers for Red Steel 2 showing it sold far more than anyone expected. It's such a predictable cycle.


Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked, Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Anticipating: Xenoblade, The Last Story, Mario Kart 7, Rayman Origins, Zelda SS, Crush3D, Tales of the Abyss 3DS, MGS:Snake Eater 3DS, RE:Revelations, Time Travellers, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Luigi's Mansion 2, MH TriG, DQ Monsters, Heroes of Ruin

Kennyheart said:

Ubisoft projects sales of 500,000 for Red Steel 2 as the game prepares for launch in March of this year.

Ubisoft has set low sales expectations for its MotionPlus infused Wii game, Red Steel 2, by stating that initial expectations of 1 million sales for the title have now been cut in half to a meagre 500,000 units as the game prepares for launch in March.

During a financial conference call earlier this week, Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot fielded a question on Avatar sales and expectations for Red Steel 2 with the following response: "For Avatar we said 2.5 million units and our expectations were more in the 3.5-4 million [region].  On Red Steel we decided, in our expectations, to divide the quantity by two and previously we had around a million."

Despite the fact that these sales expectations are low, they aren't necessarily representative of Red Steel 2's quality. Ubisoft may simply be accounting for the poor performance of other core titles on the Wii (e.g. MadWorld, The Conduit, and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles), as well as a 50% drop-off in Ubisoft's own casual market during the current financial year.

They specfically stated avatar as a reason.

It had nothing to do with core wii games....

It has to do with consumer purchasing being down again.  Recently consumer purchasing has "unexpectidly" for some plummeted.


The bailouts really didn't do their job and the economy may start lagging again.


Why do people jump to wild conclusions when the reason is in the same article?

Kennyheart said:

Ubisoft projects sales of 500,000 for Red Steel 2 as the game prepares for launch in March of this year.

Ubisoft has set low sales expectations for its MotionPlus infused Wii game, Red Steel 2, by stating that initial expectations of 1 million sales for the title have now been cut in half to a meagre 500,000 units as the game prepares for launch in March.

During a financial conference call earlier this week, Ubisoft's CEO, Yves Guillemot fielded a question on Avatar sales and expectations for Red Steel 2 with the following response: "For Avatar we said 2.5 million units and our expectations were more in the 3.5-4 million [region].  On Red Steel we decided, in our expectations, to divide the quantity by two and previously we had around a million."

Despite the fact that these sales expectations are low, they aren't necessarily representative of Red Steel 2's quality. Ubisoft may simply be accounting for the poor performance of other core titles on the Wii (e.g. MadWorld, The Conduit, and Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles), as well as a 50% drop-off in Ubisoft's own casual market during the current financial year.

Of course Ubisoft. We understand however there are other games that should be added to that list of poor Wii sales.  This was another major movie game. Like Avatar

oh let us not forget these gems too, just to further a nail in the Wii library as the article says

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.