kingofwale said:
a CoD game selling only 1.4 million??? To me, that is a massive failure in itself. Much smaller install-based were able to sell much more. This argument is old, look at threads talking about Madden or Fifa games and you will get a sense of this Much like Wii music, selling millions but still considered a failure.
I am happy, for once, that Ubisoft realize this game will not sell too much. Overshipping will destory Ubisoft's profit margin. It's much easier to ship second shipment after selling out the first. |
Let's see how much Call of Duty would sell on PS3/XBox360 with zero advertising and gimped versions. I think it's pretty impressive that Call of Duty brings in as much money as it does on the Wii.
Red Steel 2 will sell just as most "hardcore" games do on the Wii. The first month won't be in line with internet fanboy/gaming journalists expectations. They'll label it a bomb, and never look at the real sales again. Six months to a year later, Ubisoft will come out with shipped numbers for Red Steel 2 showing it sold far more than anyone expected. It's such a predictable cycle.