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Kasz216 said:
NJ5 said:
Kasz216 said:

29-37% of 1 million is


630K to 710K.


Sales projections to my knwoledge are only done in incriments of 250K.  It's just simplier that way then saying we expect it to sell 631,024 copies.


So why would you go 750K when you know the Avatar numbers were below that %?


I just don't know what Avatar has to do with Red Steel 2. Again spending on games isn't down by 29-37% or even close.


Why else would they have mentioned it?

Consumer spending may not be down by 29-37%, but their predictions on things seem to be down by that amount.

Perhaps when they made their expecations they were expecting consumer spending on videogames to skyrocket and it just hasn't happened?


^ That is exactly my question. Why would they cherry pick a game and then use its performance to predict a completely different game?

Clearly they expected too much from Avatar, I don't see how that makes them think they overestimated RS2 by this much. That's all I'm saying.


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