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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can wii do better sales in 2010 than 2009?


Can wii do better sales in 2010 than 2009?

Yes 112 69.14%
No 28 17.28%
Not sure yet 22 13.58%
Sky Render said:
At this point, about all that could keep 2010 from being better than 2009 for them is if they somehow undo the existence of NSMB Wii and/or fail to release anything even half as compelling as the first home console 2D Mario in 18 years for the entirety of 2010.

First part, we don't have to worry about

Second part, uh

....I don't think anybody is going to release any software half that compelling this year, unless Blizzard gets off its ass with Starcraft II. Even then it might be close.

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Sephiroth357 said:


This is a hill. You're not going to go back up on a hill unless you're going backwards.

Except that the hill in your example has a hole (2009) at the peak, and you have to climb it to get out (2010).

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Timing should help. Rather than the momentum collapse that Wii experienced as of March last year, NSMBWii, Wii Sports Resort, and the price drop should keep it pushing. Timing for Mario Galaxy 2 might re-invigorate it through the more stagnant summer, but even as it does stagnate, it shouldn't drop as low as it did. A killer 4th quarter, backed up by Zelda and Wii Vitality (and possibly Epic Mickey if we're listing hardware pushers) should make it stronger next holiday season than this one.


The only time next year we have to worry about is the loss of momentum in summer. There's no equivalent to Motion Plus to help keep the numbers afloat.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

TomaTito said:
Sephiroth357 said:


This is a hill. You're not going to go back up on a hill unless you're going backwards.

Except that the hill in your example has a hole (2009) at the peak, and you have to climb it to get out (2010).

Hehe I just noticed that.  A lot of hills have a dip on the top.

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of course it will

Around the Network
TomaTito said:
Sephiroth357 said:


This is a hill. You're not going to go back up on a hill unless you're going backwards.

Except that the hill in your example has a hole (2009) at the peak, and you have to climb it to get out (2010).

I didn't notice thay myself.

I can't see how it wouldn't be better than 2009.

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It'll all depend on the software. There wasn't a strong lineup for the end of 2008 and most of 2009, which is why Wii sales were down. But once games like Wii Fit +, Wii Sports Resort, and NSMB Wii came at the end of 2009, sales picked up again to near 2008 levels. Looking at the software releases so far, I think Wii can most definetly pick back up again to near 2008 levels, though I don't think it'll reach record heights anymore. Games like Galaxy 2, Metroid Other M, Monster Hunter 3, Red Steel 2, Epic Mickey, etc, will keep the Wii doing strong numbers, as well as the continued strength of NSMB Wii.

Vitality sensor is the wild card. It could ultimately skyrocket Wii sales to unprecedented heights, or it could be a dud and have little to no effect on sales. Either way, it's going to come down to the strength of the game library to carry the system.

It can? Yes it can.
But for that needs software, as it's said "Software sells Hardware"

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Sephiroth357 said:
Kenology said:
Sephiroth357 said:

No, because it peaked in 2008. Now it goes down the hill.

Even if that's true... that doesn't mean 2010 can't or won't be bigger than 2009, lol.

If something goes down the hill from the peak, why would it go back up?

PS2 Years according to VGC:

Year Sales
2001 16,130,016
2002 21,361,522
2003 19,013,416
2004 16,586,310
2005 18,453,863
2006 13,360,180

Note its sales in 2005. There weren't even any price cuts that year (I think, according to this).

I predict the Wii's 2010 will more or less match 2009, so it has a shot. These things do happen.