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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - what if the next nintendo console was NOT in hd?

If they dont go Hd they will most likely find away to make some other gimmic to get people excited about (which like the wii might saddly fail).
I really hope they go back to controller, none of this motion gimmic crap.
Then maybe they well get more third party support and come out with decent games.
i just hope nintendo one of the greatest VG companys ever doesnt sell out again like what they did with the wii.

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i think the real question here is: What if the next nintendo console is yet again technically inferior to the competition?


I think it would be a bigger deal if Sony or Microsoft went with a Standard Definition system next generation.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

i think the real question here is: What if the next nintendo console is yet again technically inferior to the competition?

I don't think thats the real question. Nintendo fans don't mind being a little inferior to the competition. But we do expect that Nintendo will at least beat PS3. I'd pay another 300$ for a PS3 power console next gen from Nintendo, I don't care if it is a little inferior to the PS4/NexBox as long as the console isn't drastically inferior. I was fine with the Wii being 2x the X-Box and would be fine with the next console being the same power as PS3.

Ask any other Nintendo fan whether they care if Nintendo is graphically inferior to PS4/NexBox and I bet most won't really care that much. Then again third parties will most definatly care! But I don't buy Nintendo consoles for third party games so I could give a flying crap what they think lol!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


i want a console with updated graphics that is 50 times powerful then the ps3, not as powerful as the ps4 and whatever Microsoft comes up with..i want new features.. keep the wii shop channel, away to copy your downloaded VC/Wiiware games to your new nintendo console.. better online, get rid of the friend code system and make it like the ordinary adding friends system... and SD/and full HD built in together so that will make everyone happy... oh and keep away from the DVD format... there out of date junk lol, plus i have 10 at home

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Let's hope that the next console will at least have HDMI... because it's Nintendo that we are talking about is very possible that they will only have 720p over component....

Joelcool7 said:
i think the real question here is: What if the next nintendo console is yet again technically inferior to the competition?

I don't think thats the real question. Nintendo fans don't mind being a little inferior to the competition. But we do expect that Nintendo will at least beat PS3. I'd pay another 300$ for a PS3 power console next gen from Nintendo, I don't care if it is a little inferior to the PS4/NexBox as long as the console isn't drastically inferior. I was fine with the Wii being 2x the X-Box and would be fine with the next console being the same power as PS3.

Ask any other Nintendo fan whether they care if Nintendo is graphically inferior to PS4/NexBox and I bet most won't really care that much. Then again third parties will most definatly care! But I don't buy Nintendo consoles for third party games so I could give a flying crap what they think lol!

That's the problem right there.  Do you want to lag behind the other consoles playing only ports and half-assed excuses for games, or do you want to play some MGS, GTA and other awesome franchises.  The wii being technically inferior to the competition this gen has condemned unintendo fans to playing a cart load of sub-par games.  I'll buy the next nintendo console even if it's just 2 wiis taped together(wink, wink), because the reason i play games is to play nintendo games.  Be this as it may, the gap between nintendo and its competition this generation is too abyssmal to be over looked, and I for one most definetly hope next gen will be diferent.


Ninty would gain twice as much hate as they currently have.


Nintendo (I think) will do VR glasses, they mentioned in the past about how games shouldn't be confined to just 4 angles. I know I would buy it in a heartbeat.

And yes Patcher would go nuts. LOL

Gaming make me feel GOOD!

^Wouldn't it risk being Virtual Boy 2?

Anyways, I'd still buy the next console regardless.

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