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Forums - Website Topics - A Farewell message from MetalGearSolid4Ever (he's perma banned)

I'm sorry but unless the pic is a mess up (happened on another fourm I went to he post a carrot and to some people it showed a naked old guy in a pirate costume...) he deserves to stay banned.

Former something....

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darthdevidem01 said:
I guess he went too far

What makes people do things like these though?

Stupidity and boredom is my guess. Though I know someone who can answer that question much better than I can

darthdevidem01 said:
I guess he went too far

What makes people do things like these though?

Um Cognitive Dissonance mostly, combined with superioty complex. (I was talking about fanaticism not what he did) Damn I never knew what he truly did until now.

Personally one less fanatic is a good thing in my book. So I can't say I am sorry for him or the alternate that he might use.


It's been said before, but his ban is up in July. I reckon if he's posting porn under alts then a year off is pretty well justified. A question that you have to ask is that if he wasn't caught, how much more garbage was he going to upload? I'm sure he's a nice enough dude, but this isn't the forum for that kind of crap.

too damn funny :P i respect him for this

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The "good" members seem to like to go out in a blaze of infamy. Like Oyv

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

This thread gets me wondering what alt Gebx is under.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Mr Khan said:

The "good" members seem to like to go out in a blaze of infamy. Like Oyv

A shame they go because of the infamy and not the other way around xP

I think he deserved the ban.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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darthdevidem01 said:

I didn't realize that they could track that it was i got prema'd... If i knew that they could i wouldn't have dreamed of doing this...

So he's only sorry because he was caught? Meh, posting porn on a website frequented by minors is a very juvenile thing to do.


Yes, I miss Oyv as well. He still lives on in our hearts, minds, and fruits!