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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Problems NATAL Must Overcome to Find SUCCESS? (your list?)!

Slimebeast said:

I don't believe in Natal very much. I want to love it, I want it to succeed, I want it to be usable with many tipes of games and genres, but I cant see it yet. Maybe my imagination is bad?

I can see it as a device for casuals. But casuals ignore Xbox.

They need Natal to be able to integrate standardized physical peripherals (like guns, racing wheels, sword and shield and that kind of stuff) that increase your ability to control input and interact with the game, or else controlling games will be too simple. I believe Natal games will be very simple and dumbed down, for kids, grannies and casuals.

Natal is already close to the 30fps mark of latency.  I'm sure you can find some use in a real 3D evironment using head tracking... the guy who did the head tracking trick with the Wii-mote is working on Natal.  Watch the video on youtube and just think of what you could do with that in any given genre of game you may play

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assassinate all the sony's defense force? :D

Natal has to hit several milestones to be successful. As others have stated the keys are

Price - Natal needs to be bundled with existing systems at today's prices or $99 standalone with game

Must have killer app
Must have strong 3rd party support

Those are the only remaining questions. I think all of the performance issues have already been addressed given the demonstrations shown and the stage of development.

Price and 3rd are also pretty much a given IMO. The big question remaining can they get a killer app ready for launch. I can think of 3 likely candidates - head tracking Halo, avatar sports and Rare adventure type game.

I think most people are vastly underestimating the impact Natal will have.

Thing is. Developing for Natal will be just as expensive as any other HD game development, plus developers will be just as ignorant about how to make games for Natal as they were for Wii.

It will fail, at least that's what I believe until I see some killer software and not just some deveopers talking about how "awesome" it is.

Harsh, yes. Fair, definately.


There are issues.

Price -- $100 for Natal after $200-$300 for an Xbox 360 or $200 for a Wii (new user question, obviously if you own a 360, its a sunk cost).

Latency -- most people want LT 50 ms for on-line games, 100 ms will seem really slow to an experienced player (that is one-tenth of a second).

Software -- how many good games will there be? if just over one-third of Xbox 360 owners buy it (roughly the same percentage as who have Wii Balance Boards), you are looking at an audience of only 11-12M for a game. The WiiBB has few games with an install base of over 18M. Why would Natal be any different?

Uniqueness -- eliminating the control does not appeal to many gamers (especially the general demographic of the Xbox 360).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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Size Recognition: Will Natal work with small children? Will a 3 year old be able to bat at balls with Natal like they can swing a tennis racket in Wii Sports?

Finite Movement: Natal can see you swing your arms and legs and even turn your arms enough to turn a steering wheel, but it can't see your hands turn in minute angles or determine your wrist position at all. What does this mean? Well it immediately eliminates options of sword fighting and advanced finite sports like those found in Wii Sports Resort (Bowling, Tennis, Archery, etc.), which require precise positioning of the hands and wrists.

Basic and Uncorrectable Control Limitations: No controller means it's not realistically useful for something like a shooter. You can't point and shoot and be accurate without some form of IR. You can't move without walking in place or stepping forward and backward which is not only uncomfortable, but signifficantly slower than playing with a joystick. Any genre that requires a lot of inputs (shooting, fighting, action, adventure, action RPGs, most sports games, platformers, and pretty much anything that requires movement on any part from the player in any forward or backwards direction) will be limited to very minor and most likely inconvenient usees of the motion controls. A limit not present in controller based motions.

Cueil said:
Slimebeast said:

I don't believe in Natal very much. I want to love it, I want it to succeed, I want it to be usable with many tipes of games and genres, but I cant see it yet. Maybe my imagination is bad?

I can see it as a device for casuals. But casuals ignore Xbox.

They need Natal to be able to integrate standardized physical peripherals (like guns, racing wheels, sword and shield and that kind of stuff) that increase your ability to control input and interact with the game, or else controlling games will be too simple. I believe Natal games will be very simple and dumbed down, for kids, grannies and casuals.

Natal is already close to the 30fps mark of latency.  I'm sure you can find some use in a real 3D evironment using head tracking... the guy who did the head tracking trick with the Wii-mote is working on Natal.  Watch the video on youtube and just think of what you could do with that in any given genre of game you may play

 You got to be joking. Didn't That guy used a PC in his demo  which already had head tracking software and hardware? That's not much of a trick since it has be done for years with a IR camera and lights.

You don't have to wonder how head tracking could be used  in games as there are already a long list of PC games that   supports head tracking. They are trying to get head tracking support in Need for Speed Shift now.

JaggedSac said:
Star Scream said:
Natal looks very promising, but I'm not sure that issue is a glitch:

"NIRS detects light absorbance of haemoglobin chromophores to determine tissue oxygen saturation (StO2). As skin colour is also determined by the presence of chromophores, it is plausible that NIRS signal quality may be affected by dark skin pigmentation."

These guys sure couldn't play it.

Please tell me we don't have to stand up in order to use it... (Yes, a sad complaint, but gaming is a comfortable process. I have never seen anyone play while standing up, even on the wii)

This is the true definition of owning.

^^No, you do not have to stand up.  Well, that depends on the game I guess.  But Natal can handle a person sitting down.

Thers only 2 things for me - Price and games (that support NATAL).

1. Price - Simply put, I wouldn't pay more then $70 (the price of a game) for NATAL. Simple as that. I'm not paying $71.

2. I need there to be good games for it. I'm not buying NATAL so I can play a bunch of lousy minigames like "kick the soccerball" or "lame dancing game 3". I would want lots of cool games like sports games where it picks up your motion or a boxing game would be fun where you have to punch and dodge in real motion.