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Cueil said:
Slimebeast said:

I don't believe in Natal very much. I want to love it, I want it to succeed, I want it to be usable with many tipes of games and genres, but I cant see it yet. Maybe my imagination is bad?

I can see it as a device for casuals. But casuals ignore Xbox.

They need Natal to be able to integrate standardized physical peripherals (like guns, racing wheels, sword and shield and that kind of stuff) that increase your ability to control input and interact with the game, or else controlling games will be too simple. I believe Natal games will be very simple and dumbed down, for kids, grannies and casuals.

Natal is already close to the 30fps mark of latency.  I'm sure you can find some use in a real 3D evironment using head tracking... the guy who did the head tracking trick with the Wii-mote is working on Natal.  Watch the video on youtube and just think of what you could do with that in any given genre of game you may play

 You got to be joking. Didn't That guy used a PC in his demo  which already had head tracking software and hardware? That's not much of a trick since it has be done for years with a IR camera and lights.

You don't have to wonder how head tracking could be used  in games as there are already a long list of PC games that   supports head tracking. They are trying to get head tracking support in Need for Speed Shift now.