fastyxx said: The 360's consistent performance YOY compared to everyone else is pretty impressive. And this is with really nothing special being released. |
Agreed. Xbox 360 numbers are still impressive.
fastyxx said: The 360's consistent performance YOY compared to everyone else is pretty impressive. And this is with really nothing special being released. |
Agreed. Xbox 360 numbers are still impressive.
peachbuggy said: Doubt if WSR will make much difference to this months' NPD hardware. It came out too late in the month. May make a difference for August though. |
Only a small one, I'd imagine. If anything, it'll have a small effect for the next several months.
Kenology said:
You would think the Wii was performing at PS3 levels after reading that sentence. |
No, you would think the Wii is doing pants compared to last years numbers.
Nintendo is going to have to cut their price this year. I don't really see an alternative.
The DS is doing well, but I have to wonder whether or not the DS also would be taking a hit right now if it weren't for the DSi.
Let's hope numbers are not as far down for the holidays as the rest of the year has been year on year from 2008.
I'm really being to wonder if a home console coming in ABOVE $200 right now is a good idea. This definitely supports the point of view that a price cut is coming for all home consoles. In the case of the XB360, a reduction of skus.
The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!
...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?
Things will start to pick up a bit the rest of the year for PS3/360 game sales. madden, Gh5, Beatles Rock band, ODST, Modern Warefare 2, AC, etc. All should pull in sold numbers.
I can't believe how far the sales of the Wii has dropped. Can the 360 jump over it when madden comes out? Shall be interesting
fastyxx said: The 360's consistent performance YOY compared to everyone else is pretty impressive. And this is with really nothing special being released. |
True. One does wonder though how it will hold up when it comes into the months of the price cut. Definintely find out in September...
The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!
...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?
No price cut for Wii, just compelling software to strengthen momentum!
Kenology said: No price cut for Wii, just compelling software to strengthen momentum! IWATA HAS SPOKEN! |
LOL! As much as I like to take every word spoken by Iwata as the gospel, I got to think that it may have had his fingers crossed when he said this one.
...But fo real, on the compelling software part I think that WSR was the first step, will be interesting to see the totals for this month(Aug.) in NPD.
The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!
...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?