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URNotE said:
dtewi said:
PS3 fans are still puttin faith into unproven IP's

killzone 2 US: February 2008

LittleBigPlanet US: February 2008

infamous US: January 2008


how about putting faith in provin developers..

Infamous=sucker punch studios

Killzone 2=guerilla games say what you want but the first one still sold 2 mil

LBP=media molecule( they are the only ones who have no credibility which is probably the reason why they have been willing to show the game since day one

And almost every single one of the xbox games  coming out can say the same thing, guess 360 has a bunch of kick ass games coming out!

BTW in terms of ratings, killzone sucked it badly, and 2 million on a 120 million console is not that great....., it mostly sold cause of the "halo killer" hype

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
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Lost tears of Kain said:
URNotE said:
dtewi said:
PS3 fans are still puttin faith into unproven IP's

killzone 2 US: February 2008

LittleBigPlanet US: February 2008

infamous US: January 2008


how about putting faith in provin developers..

Infamous=sucker punch studios

Killzone 2=guerilla games say what you want but the first one still sold 2 mil

LBP=media molecule( they are the only ones who have no credibility which is probably the reason why they have been willing to show the game since day one

And almost every single one of the xbox games  coming out can say the same thing, guess 360 has a bunch of kick ass games coming out!

BTW in terms of ratings, killzone sucked it badly, and 2 million on a 120 million console is not that great....., it mostly sold cause of the "halo killer" hype

I highly doubt that. It probably sold because of the huge marketing campaign Sony put behind it, with life-size Helghan models at the entrances to Gamestop, billboards and posters everywhere etc.



Dallinor said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
URNotE said:
dtewi said:
PS3 fans are still puttin faith into unproven IP's

killzone 2 US: February 2008

LittleBigPlanet US: February 2008

infamous US: January 2008


how about putting faith in provin developers..

Infamous=sucker punch studios

Killzone 2=guerilla games say what you want but the first one still sold 2 mil

LBP=media molecule( they are the only ones who have no credibility which is probably the reason why they have been willing to show the game since day one

And almost every single one of the xbox games  coming out can say the same thing, guess 360 has a bunch of kick ass games coming out!

BTW in terms of ratings, killzone sucked it badly, and 2 million on a 120 million console is not that great....., it mostly sold cause of the "halo killer" hype

I highly doubt that. It probably sold because of the huge marketing campaign Sony put behind it, with life-size Helghan models at the entrances to Gamestop, billboards and posters everywhere etc.


Yes i was kinda meaning that ith the halo hype, it was also advertised quite a bit

                 With regard to Call of Duty 4 having an ultra short single player campaign, I guess it may well have been due to the size limitations of DVD on the XBox 360, one of various limitations multi-platform game designers will have to take into consideration-Mike B   

Proud supporter of all 3 console companys

Proud owner of 360wii and DS/psp              

Game trailers-Halo 3 only dissapointed the people who wanted to be dissapointed.

Bet with Harvey Birdman that Lost Odyssey will sell more then Blue dragon did.
Lost tears of Kain said:
Dallinor said:
Lost tears of Kain said:
URNotE said:
dtewi said:
PS3 fans are still puttin faith into unproven IP's

killzone 2 US: February 2008

LittleBigPlanet US: February 2008

infamous US: January 2008


how about putting faith in provin developers..

Infamous=sucker punch studios

Killzone 2=guerilla games say what you want but the first one still sold 2 mil

LBP=media molecule( they are the only ones who have no credibility which is probably the reason why they have been willing to show the game since day one

And almost every single one of the xbox games coming out can say the same thing, guess 360 has a bunch of kick ass games coming out!

BTW in terms of ratings, killzone sucked it badly, and 2 million on a 120 million console is not that great....., it mostly sold cause of the "halo killer" hype

I highly doubt that. It probably sold because of the huge marketing campaign Sony put behind it, with life-size Helghan models at the entrances to Gamestop, billboards and posters everywhere etc.


Yes i was kinda meaning that ith the halo hype, it was also advertised quite a bit

 If only Sony would do that with some PS3 games. Warhawk is a killer title, yet nobody but guys like us on gaming forums know about the game.

makingmusic476 said:

If only Sony would do that with some PS3 games. Warhawk is a killer title, yet nobody but guys like us on gaming forums know about the game.

The issue with warhawk is the online, there isn't many systems out there with online, even if is free...

And maybe thats why they dont advertise the game, the online is free to the consumer, but somebody has to put money for the servers, and with just a few users who wants to take the first step???

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
Around the Network

Plus Warhawk is competing with established franchises like COD and Halo. Most people find those game adequate for their multiplayer gaming.

Taz42 said:
> Lair runs at 1080p/30FPS

You cannot possibly have seen Lair live. It runs 10-15 fps when there's stuff going on.

I did really. How about you?

Also I have friends that worked on Lair and I can tell you that the frame rate was the main reason why it got delayed multiple times. They were squeezing the 30FPS out of their 1st generation engine. 

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M


My hd tv lets me see :D

There are around 700k people registered on warhawk's leader boards.

I am around rank 7k, whats your rank? Also I see ps3 exploding in 2008.


krik said:
I can only conclude that with all the unproven franchise and delay comments from Xbots that you guys are jealous :)

Anyway I rather look forward to Haze, Ratched, Uncharted, MGS4, KZ2, Infamous, LBP and all the others than look back at Gears of War, Bioshock and Halo. Also, even if they are all unproven IP they look good and can't all possibly suck.

Also I never liked Halo... always liked Unreal better and both 360 and PS3 will get it next year. Unreal kicks ass compared to over hyped Halo. Also, reviews of Halo where it gets 10 in graphics and then Lair gets 5 can't be freaking serious. Halo graphics better than Lair? ROFL. Lair sucks as a game but the graphics and sound are some of the best I ever seen/heard. Also, Lair runs at 1080p/30FPS while Halo runs at 640p at the same 30FPS. If Bungie/Microsoft can't make a FPS that runs at 60FPS with a 200+ development team and almost unlimited money resources, then who can? Xbox is already being pushed to the max and 640p/30FPS is not impressive by any means.

BTW Halo3 runs at 640, yes, but they render the frame twice with different light settings (Just for the HDR) and then they combine them in one single frame...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
Lost tears of Kain said:
krik said:
I can only conclude that with all the unproven franchise and delay comments from Xbots that you guys are jealous :)

Anyway I rather look forward to Haze, Ratched, Uncharted, MGS4, KZ2, Infamous, LBP and all the others than look back at Gears of War, Bioshock and Halo. Also, even if they are all unproven IP they look good and can't all possibly suck.

Also I never liked Halo... always liked Unreal better and both 360 and PS3 will get it next year. Unreal kicks ass compared to over hyped Halo. Also, reviews of Halo where it gets 10 in graphics and then Lair gets 5 can't be freaking serious. Halo graphics better than Lair? ROFL. Lair sucks as a game but the graphics and sound are some of the best I ever seen/heard. Also, Lair runs at 1080p/30FPS while Halo runs at 640p at the same 30FPS. If Bungie/Microsoft can't make a FPS that runs at 60FPS with a 200+ development team and almost unlimited money resources, then who can? Xbox is already being pushed to the max and 640p/30FPS is not impressive by any means.

sony fanboy alert ALERT ALERT


Your opinion, i guess the 4 million people who bought halo 3 on its opening week are all wrong? Take your fanboyism somewhere else. Show me where Halo gets a 10 in grahics and lair didnt get a good graphics score, show me. 1080p at 30 fps ? you you #%#$ing serious?

You have no idea why Bungie didnt make it 1080p do you, you have no flipping idea. Show me data that says xbox is being pushed, wait you cant, so shut up and go away.


Right, I AM a sony fanboy... proud to be one since PS1.

4 million people are not wrong. If you have a 360 you should buy Halo 3, it's a good game, not excelent or a technical achievement but a good game. I hate the freaking split scree, who the heck thought splitting awide screen format game in the middle horizontally was a good idea? wtf? Also I hate the drama soundtrack but otherwise it's fun.


Halo 3 got 10 presentation, 9 for graphics and 10 for sound. LOL, 10 for totally average sound effects and some drama music

Lair got 8 for presentation, 7.5 for graphics and an amazing 8 for sound. This is not fair.

Lair sucks, I don't like it, but if you going to rate it by categories then you better judge those categories independently of how much you like the game.

I already posted earlier that I have friends that work on Lair and I can tell you the game runs at 30FPS most of the time. Getting to the 30FPS was the main reason behind the delays.

Also, you totally wrong about me not having any idea why bungie didn't do the 1080p. I know. I am a software developer and I read about technology all the time so let me explain:

Halo 3 runs at 1152x640 because they used 2 frame buffers. This was done to get better lighting. They used one frame buffer for the high dynamic range values and the other for the low dynamic range values. Both buffers are then combined to make the finished screen image.

I never said xbox is being pushed. What I said was: If Bungie/MS can't push it to the limit with 200+ dev team then who can? 

PS: Lair runs at 1920x1080. This is almost 4 times Halo's image frame buffer. 4 times the amount of pixels to process with at least as good lighting as Halo 3 (my opinion at least).

Now my last comment. Don't tell me to shut up, that is rude. Everyone in here is somewhat of a fanboy. Otherwise why would we be reading this forums?

PSN ID: krik

Optimistic predictions for 2008 (Feb 5 2008): Wii = 20M, PS3 = 14M, X360 = 9.5M