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Sony Discussion - ps3 2008 - View Post

krik said:
I can only conclude that with all the unproven franchise and delay comments from Xbots that you guys are jealous :)

Anyway I rather look forward to Haze, Ratched, Uncharted, MGS4, KZ2, Infamous, LBP and all the others than look back at Gears of War, Bioshock and Halo. Also, even if they are all unproven IP they look good and can't all possibly suck.

Also I never liked Halo... always liked Unreal better and both 360 and PS3 will get it next year. Unreal kicks ass compared to over hyped Halo. Also, reviews of Halo where it gets 10 in graphics and then Lair gets 5 can't be freaking serious. Halo graphics better than Lair? ROFL. Lair sucks as a game but the graphics and sound are some of the best I ever seen/heard. Also, Lair runs at 1080p/30FPS while Halo runs at 640p at the same 30FPS. If Bungie/Microsoft can't make a FPS that runs at 60FPS with a 200+ development team and almost unlimited money resources, then who can? Xbox is already being pushed to the max and 640p/30FPS is not impressive by any means.

BTW Halo3 runs at 640, yes, but they render the frame twice with different light settings (Just for the HDR) and then they combine them in one single frame...

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