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Forums - Sales Discussion - Have Sony found a Halo killer?

i don't really see why the xbox is known for being the shooter console. the only arguments i've heard for that are: controllers are somehow better for them, and halo

that doesn't seem very compelling to me.

i think the whole conversation of halo killing became superfluous after cod4 was released. the genre has based halo by, and its only hope of staying relevant is to add more mp options. the messed up thing about that is that people will still gobble that crap up. frankly i can't understand how halo is fun for people when there are so much better shooters to play. that wasn't true for the first halo.

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[Desperately seeks out a facepalm image to post in this thread for the whole "Halo Killer" popping up again.]

I think by "killer" they just mean something that can sell on par with Halo. It's the wrong word, but that's what they mean.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

While I struggle to commit to 'never' as that's a very long time I agree in principle.

The big barrier is the nature of the console business with exclusives.

Halo has a huge fanbase and that is locked into the 360. To achieve sales similar to Halo Sony has to release an FPS so good that it can achieve one of the following:

a) convince a large percentage of 360 owners they must have a PS3 too just to play this one amazing FPS - that's a pretty tall order.

b) release an FPS that appeals somehow to people who want to play FPS titles on a console and don't have 360 / Halo - again, if you think about it that's a pretty tall order.

c) a bit of both - maybe slightly more chance with this, but still tough. You need an FPS that's different enough to interest a huge number of people who don't like Halo or have 360 and manages to pull in some 360 owners are well

In terms of a GT killer I think this would be tough for MS but not quite as hard. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think that while a lot of Halo / 360 fans would simply reject (being the hot headed folks they are) the idea of embracing a PS3 FPS to the same level - driving fans are not so 'die hard' and it is probably easier to lure driving fans to 360 than FPS fans to PS3.

But yeah, the basic principle is sound - matching an exclusive killer app is really, really tough as the competition in a sense already has a big chunk of the potential player base sewn up in their favor.

As others have noted, however, beating Halo sales for multi-platform titles is more than possible.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Beating Halo sales for multiplat titles already happened - COD4.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

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rafichamp said:
LOL, your saying the Xbox 360 only has one shooter? ROFLROFL, but I agree with you saying that Microsoft will never find a Gran Turismo killer.

The Xbox 360 has three FPS games Published by MGS ;Halo, Perfect Dark and Shadowrun


huaxiong90 said:
Beating Halo sales for multiplat titles already happened - COD4.

why would they compare it to multiplatt?


nah i dont think so

owner of ps3,xbox360,pc,mac,wii,ds,psp

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Zizzla_Rachet said:
huaxiong90 said:
Beating Halo sales for multiplat titles already happened - COD4.

why would they compare it to multiplatt?

Don't ask me. I was responding to the guy above me.


But at the same time, I don't think there would a big difference in sales if Halo was multiplat. It would just be split between the PlayStation and Xbox.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

in Sales everyone has their flagship

Nintendo = Mario
Microsoft = Halo
Sony = GT

the best thing about these, is none can "kill" none , cause none is the same genre.