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Forums - General Discussion - Where are you from?

Chattanooga, TN and I love our weather we don't get tornados, hurricanes, snow storms, wildfires, pretty much no natural disaters, plus it doesn't get to hot or to cold.




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stof said: staticneuron said: ShinKazenoKizzu said: I live in the bahamas Wow, that is horrible. i am from Miami, Florida, where the weather is hot but the women are even hotter. You just told him it's horrible that he lives in the Bahamas...
HA! No, I was just saying the cost of the PS3 was horrible. I actually want to visit the bahamas.

Games make me happy! PSN ID: Staticneuron Gamertag: Staticneuron Wii Code: Static Wii - 3055 0871 5802 1723

hi everybody! i come from Martinique, a French little island in the Caribbean sea!!! but actually, i m studying in France...There isn't Sun in this country lol Bye!!!

Everybody wants to visit the bahamas, who wouldn't,........a crazy person or someone allergic to the sun.........literally.




i'm from pisa, italy. (in europe) here for now 360 is more popular than wii. but many people are waiting for ps3.....


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Petersburg, VA here, and its boring as hell . The weather here ranges from cold to unbearably hot and humid. I hate July and August. The humidity gets to a 100% and its 95+ degrees for pretty much all of July and August. Lets just say I keep a towel in my car during the summer. Because by the time the AC gets your car nice and cool, you've sweated off 10lbs. EDIT: I love the fact that all of us are from different parts of the world here. I can see this is going to be a great forum for chatting. Plus its going to mean someone is going to be on the forums no matter what time of day it is, due to the all of the time zone differences.

Darc Requiem said: EDIT: I love the fact that all of us are from different parts of the world here. I can see this is going to be a great forum for chatting. Plus its going to mean someone is going to be on the forums no matter what time of day it is, due to the all of the time zone differences.
Speaking of that when are the most people online, I usally on while I'm at work which is 6am-2:45pm EST




Well I'm usually on 7am to 3:30 EST, which is when I'm at work. I'm not on much on weekends or when I get home from work.

Hi there, I'm From Oran, the 2nd largest city in Algeria (North Africa, neighbour of Tunisia, Morroco, Mali, Niger and Lybia). Wheater is excellent here and the mediteranean see is wonderful. Right now, Juan Carlos the king of Spain is in the city . Gaming here is a weird story: PS2 rocks everything thanks to pirated games (100$ for a PS2 with a mod chip and 2$ per game). GC owners have a hard time for finding games (it took my 3 years to find F-Zero GX ), and xbox is not doing great. The 360 is gaining some momentum du to pirated games now available (the system cost like 450$, and I'm talking about the Core system. Making it playes pirated games brings it to 500$). I haven't seen any single PS3 (since we import PAL consoles...) and Wii is of course sold out (Supply is limited since it looks like even European people are having trouble finding one; People are directly importing it). Haven't seen a single one. PSP is doing OK (Pirated games of course...) and the DSfat costs like 80$. DSL desapeares instantly.

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I am from Madrid ,capital of Spain (España ) .Europe . Here console-wise the PS2 has reigned supreme ,with more than 4 million consoles sold against some 300K Game Cube and 450K Xbox .Right now the X360 is doing weakly although it had some momentum in christmas ,but for most part of the year the weekly sales were around 900 consoles failure .The Wii on the other hand can be found in some stores but is generally doing great ,although the buzz it caused in the media with its innovative control system has almost waned .Most people are waiting for the PS3 here .In the portable field the DS is reigning with its casual games as Brain Training and Nintendogs driving it alone ,but the PSP is posing a formidable battle ....back in end november the PSP sold was over 1 million consoles against some 1.4 million DS .