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I am from Madrid ,capital of Spain (España ) .Europe . Here console-wise the PS2 has reigned supreme ,with more than 4 million consoles sold against some 300K Game Cube and 450K Xbox .Right now the X360 is doing weakly although it had some momentum in christmas ,but for most part of the year the weekly sales were around 900 consoles failure .The Wii on the other hand can be found in some stores but is generally doing great ,although the buzz it caused in the media with its innovative control system has almost waned .Most people are waiting for the PS3 here .In the portable field the DS is reigning with its casual games as Brain Training and Nintendogs driving it alone ,but the PSP is posing a formidable battle ....back in end november the PSP sold was over 1 million consoles against some 1.4 million DS .