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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Mad world receives $20 price cut

Dallinor said:
Chrizum said:
tastyshovelware said:
I didn't say it flopped, just that a game that is selling up to expectations doesn't see a price drop within 6 months, let alone 2.

I have never, and I mean never, seen a third party game (on any console) retain it's original price 6 months after release. 90% of all third party games have price cuts within 3 months (at least where I live).

MadWorld is a low budget and short game. It should have been budget-priced from the start.

Call Of Duty 4 is still full price where I live in Europe.

That's an astonishing 18 months after launch.


I still think that's nuts. It's nearly full-price here (price's dropped $5 at most stores around here), but that's hardly a real drop.


Oh well, I got it for $25.



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tedsteriscool said:
loy310 said:
NJ5 said:
loy310 said:
Port madworld to the PS2 and watch the money pile up, PS2 gamers are starving.

Same developer, same genre... It flopped.


LOL, eh it's still worth a shot.


<.< that chart has Japan sales only. With Americas/Others taken into account it may have sold up to 500k. Definately not a flop.


Bad example to show what a "flop" it was given that its missing 2/3 the data.

The studio got closed right after making God Hand. It's extremely likely Capcom wasn't happy (why close the studio otherwise?).


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Call of Duty 4 JUST dropped $10 like...this last week.

Should help move a few units.

4 ≈ One

God Hand flopped on the PS2. If anything MadWorld on the Wii has sold more than God Hand. 

Fact is this style of game is extremely niche. MadWorld wouldn't have sold a whole lot more on the 360 or PS3 and would've cost more to produce on the HD machines. 

If you like MadWorld ... enjoy it. It's out. It's not like someone can take it away from you. 

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Soundwave said:

God Hand flopped on the PS2. If anything MadWorld on the Wii has sold more than God Hand. 

Fact is this style of game is extremely niche. MadWorld wouldn't have sold a whole lot more on the 360 or PS3 and would've cost more to produce on the HD machines. 

If you like MadWorld ... enjoy it. It's out. It's not like someone can take it away from you. 


And it STILL would be black and white. The Wii had nothing to do with it. Making textures is a lot of work and this just means shading is required.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
Soundwave said:

God Hand flopped on the PS2. If anything MadWorld on the Wii has sold more than God Hand. 

Fact is this style of game is extremely niche. MadWorld wouldn't have sold a whole lot more on the 360 or PS3 and would've cost more to produce on the HD machines. 

If you like MadWorld ... enjoy it. It's out. It's not like someone can take it away from you. 


And it STILL would be black and white. The Wii had nothing to do with it. Making textures is a lot of work and this just means shading is required.


Yup those ex clover guys were always about unique style,Viewtiful Joe,Okami,Madworld.

Ryudo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Soundwave said:

God Hand flopped on the PS2. If anything MadWorld on the Wii has sold more than God Hand. 

Fact is this style of game is extremely niche. MadWorld wouldn't have sold a whole lot more on the 360 or PS3 and would've cost more to produce on the HD machines. 

If you like MadWorld ... enjoy it. It's out. It's not like someone can take it away from you. 


And it STILL would be black and white. The Wii had nothing to do with it. Making textures is a lot of work and this just means shading is required.


Yup those ex clover guys were always about unique style,Viewtiful Joe,Okami,Madworld.


And it costing less does help.

Then again, artsy games do tend to cost less.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

This is my chance for get it. But... maybe in México will keep the price :/

rover said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
That doesn't necessarily mean it flopped, though.

Of course, dropping $20 within the first couple on months means: "It's a HIT!  We just don't need that much money!"