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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lets say Nintendo Announced Wii HD at E3...

twingo said:
sc94597 said:
twingo said:
Garnett said:

And the hardware is significantly  better than PS3/360


LMFAO what world do you live in ?

I don't get what was wrong with this statement. He is mentioning a new pretty much, whole new console from Nintendo. Why wouldn't it be more powerful, even if slightly, than the consoles of the previous generation?



Did you miss the GC to Wii power increase.  




Um and what? The Wii is still more powerful than all three last generation consoles . Also what  thetonestarr said.

Edit: And to be honest I don't think ANY of the current generation consoles made a significant jump from last generation. I also doubt a significant addition will every happen again, seeing how expensive it is getting to develop games and hardware to make a noticable boost.

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twingo said:
sc94597 said:
twingo said:
Garnett said:

And the hardware is significantly  better than PS3/360


LMFAO what world do you live in ?

I don't get what was wrong with this statement. He is mentioning a new pretty much, whole new console from Nintendo. Why wouldn't it be more powerful, even if slightly, than the consoles of the previous generation?



Did you miss the GC to Wii power increase.  





N64->GC = Great difference. Game cube is more powerful than the ps2.

GC->Wii= Is not a great difference, but we  have to keep in mind that Nintendo was the first to work on a console for this generation, Nintendo did not know that the competitors would invest so heavily in the power and take a leap as large. Is not impossible a WiiHD more powerful than any system, because what the Nintendo wanted to do with the Wii was bring something new, and not a powerful console (GC already was a powerful console in the last generation). Now is different, Nintendo is loosing credibility because they are looking too much for the casual gamers and others. "GC->Wii" is not an argument.




unfortunately, they did a great jump, the total immersion in games now can be real. But the ps2 already had a great graphic, so is hard to see a great difference.... technically the diference is big, but in the practice is nothing that big... and what matters is the practice, so, you are right. 

Well if it's a Nintendo system you won't have to wait and see whether the games will be any good, you just know they will be. :p
But all this silly talk of an 'HD Wii' need to stop. Right now.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Why would they announce a new console so soon while the Wii is still selling?

Maybe they'd announce a Wii+ type thing with Motion+ built into the controllers, maybe they'd enable 720p.. but how many games would use it?

If they upgraded the processor and memory, wouldn't this split the market? I guess they did something similar with the N64 Expansion Pak, so I don't know. Would I buy it? I don't know. I'd need more information.

If nint's next console was a yoyo i'd still buy it...


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Onyxmeth said:

Frankly I'd be far more interested in a Wii with an even newer control scheme. The only reason I would want a spec upgrade would be just to alleviate the last remaining excuse third parties have for not developing on the Wii.


As much as I would love to see it happen for this reason, alot of people will cry and feel betrayed because of the short life cycle.


Next excuse will be "Only Nintendo games sell on Nintendo consoles" oh wait they already say that.



Umm, no. I would rather wait for nextbox. :)

Bobbuffalo said:
Honestly? I would be very very disappointed with them.

You have this company that decided to step up and try something different, something daring, something that not any company have ever did in years! AND THEY SUCCEED! They opened the market to more gamers and gave companies more ways to inteact games.

If they did release a HD wii that would only mean that they abandoned their principles and became "just another brick in the wall". That's more or less what happened with the SNES: Nintendo was doing fine if not great, but the newcomers, SEGA and NEC released their consoles and faired well, Nintendo abandoned their NES and create the SNES just to fight with them, losing the half of their userbase..and only to prove the companies they were "cool"..

I doubt they will. Iwata has another mentality..but if they would be very sad.


Bob, the SNES didn´t cause the loss of half of their userbase...the NES sold about 60 million, the SNES close to 50 million, not that far from its predecessor.

Besides, the SNES is the best system EVER, dude

if they did 720p then every game would need S3 texture compression to make up for the lower bandwidth. and we all know 3rd party devs are retards and won't use it so every game would look terrible with smeared textures.

Hisiru said:

""Our expectation is that most of the content will be, call it, DSi-enhanced vs. DSi-exclusive""

of course that will be an exclusive for the DSi, if a developer make a game for the DSi that has for the DS Lite, and include Camera or something like that, will be an exclusive thing, but is not a new game, is just a game that has in the DS lite, but with another functions, and these functions are exclusive for the DSi. Is not "DSi exclusive game", is "Dsi exclusive cartridge", with exclusive CONTENT (and not exclusive game) for the game, such as camera, interaction with the DSiware (maybe?), more quests in a RPG for exemple (I know that we have wifi for this one, but they can put nintendo points for downlodable things now, and make money :D), and other things.

Perhaps you're right, although personally I'm not convinced in the least. Time will tell, I suppose.