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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lets say Nintendo Announced Wii HD at E3...

why do you keep bringing up 1080p when i mention 720p

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@Scottie Are you reading his posts? He is saying 720p, which chances are the Wii could run some less graphically intensive games in, and there are component cables that support 720p resolutions.


Edit: Even the PS2 and original Xbox had some games that ran at 720p/1080i

Because the principle is the same, an increase in resolution would lead to a decrease in frames per second, objects on screen, lighting effects etc. I'm pretty sure that the Ninty hardware team put a lot of thought into what resolution to output in, and they decided that 480p would give the best looking games

Then they have 2 options,

Optimze the game better
Reduce graphic quaility

I don;t really see any wii games fulling using the console to its full potientil. Most games look as good as gamecube games visually which leaves room for the resolution increase.

The DSi will not have games "only DSi", only in the DSiware, of course, but in cartridge, the game always will work in the other DSs. The best that the DS can do is depend of the developers, for those that don't know, the DS can do a better job than the PSX (technically), and go see what is the bigger cartridge for the DS.... 256MB. Now, the Kingdom hearts appears to have a bigger cartridge than 256MB, if I am wrong, Square Enix did a great magic of compression. All that we can expect for the DS now, is that the developers do a better job and don't think only in the money. And I don't know if you saw the last trailer for the Kingdom Hearts DS, but you can clearly see that this is not using a cartridge of 256MB, look the elements, voices, movies, etc. Ah, this is the trailer (the gameplay begins in 4 minute):
Finally a developer is giving respect for the DS, and this is all that the DS/DSi Owners can expect. Kingdom hearts DS is the second most pre ordered game in this time, maybe other developers will see that and think "woow, they did a great job, we have to impress and try to make a game that the DS/DSi owners will want to buy".

WiiHD can works, but only if it has more power than the 360/PS3, full compatibility with Wii games and new acessories with new sensors of motion

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scottie said:
Because the principle is the same, an increase in resolution would lead to a decrease in frames per second, objects on screen, lighting effects etc. I'm pretty sure that the Ninty hardware team put a lot of thought into what resolution to output in, and they decided that 480p would give the best looking games

Which is why I said "less graphically intensive games". I don't think anybody argued for the games to look or run the same.


Guys im sure the Wii could do 720p but i was asking if it could run games like Native 1080p 60 fps and look better than Heavy Rain/Alan Wake would you buy one? :P



If it had the same 3rd party support and online play.. No

Hisiru said:
The DSi will not have games "only DSi", only in the DSiware, of course, but in cartridge, the game always will work in the other DSs.

First off, welcome to the forums!

Second, this sentence isn't true, and there will be DSi-exclusive retail games.

MTV Multiplayer: What’s the DSi software landscape going to be like once the system is out? Will there be DSi-exclusive games? Will there be DS games that have DSi-exclusive features?

Reggie Fils-Aime, president, Nintendo of America: The short answer is “Yes.” There’s going to be both. Our expectation is that most of the content will be, call it, DSi-enhanced vs. DSi-exclusive. Why? One hundred-million installed base of DS. Developers are going to want to leverage that installed base and yet they’ll want to provide extra content via the features of the DSi, like the camera. That’s my expectation as to how it will play out.



I don't want a new nintendo yet. We've only had this one for a few years. It has another few left. 3 years from now they announce an epic nintendo sex machine, yes.

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m