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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lets say Nintendo Announced Wii HD at E3...

Hell no.

I couldnt afford it. I dont have an HDTV. I dont care about achievement system. Im satisfied with my Wii right now.

Besides way too early. It has nothing to do with Ninty not wanting to go first. WW Wii is still selling amazingly and its too early for any company to release new hardware.

Now if they announce Wii in a new color....I might have to sell mine and buy a new one. =P

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Honestly? I would be very very disappointed with them.

You have this company that decided to step up and try something different, something daring, something that not any company have ever did in years! AND THEY SUCCEED! They opened the market to more gamers and gave companies more ways to inteact games.

If they did release a HD wii that would only mean that they abandoned their principles and became "just another brick in the wall". That's more or less what happened with the SNES: Nintendo was doing fine if not great, but the newcomers, SEGA and NEC released their consoles and faired well, Nintendo abandoned their NES and create the SNES just to fight with them, losing the half of their userbase..and only to prove the companies they were "cool"..

I doubt they will. Iwata has another mentality..but if they would be very sad.

like i said i firmily beleive wii is capible of doing 720p with a firmware update

Depends on the system the show. If it really seems worth the money and can enhance my gaming experience that much, than yes I will purchase it. If not, I won't be roped into buying a shiny new console for the hell of it.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

rckrz6 said:
like i said i firmily beleive wii is capible of doing 720p with a firmware update

I'd be happy with an expansion pack thingy like they did for the N64.  I'm not really a graphics whore, but Wii games look somewhat blurry on my LCD TV.  I play old PS2 and original Xbox games on my 7th gen consoles, and the sharper image makes a hell of a difference to me.  I can put up with Wii graphics if they were just sharper.


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d21lewis said:
rckrz6 said:
like i said i firmily beleive wii is capible of doing 720p with a firmware update

I'd be happy with an expansion pack thingy like they did for the N64.  I'm not really a graphics whore, but Wii games look somewhat blurry on my LCD TV.  I play old PS2 and original Xbox games on my 7th gen consoles, and the sharper image makes a hell of a difference to me.  I can put up with Wii graphics if they were just sharper.


yea most LCD's do not scale 480i/p very well.


rckrz6 said:
like i said i firmily beleive wii is capible of doing 720p with a firmware update

For what it's worth, I believe Factor 5 said the same thing when they first started developing for the system back in early '08. Of course, they also said doing so took up a ton of resources, leaving a lot less for everything else.


@ rckrz6

I do not believe you are right, or, if you are it's not relevant.

There only 2 reasons why a computer (game consoles are computers fyi) would be unable to display in 1080p. The first is the output cables. I do not believe the cables on the Wii are capable of transmitting 1920*1080 resolution.

The second limit is not so much relevant nowadays. A computer would need a minimum of 2,073,600 bits of ram to display 1080p. This is a mere 259 kb of ram, which even the N64 has. The N64 could most certainly display a black and white (not greyscale) game in 1080p, as long as the number of frames per second was sufficiently low, and if it had the right cables for output

Now, that we've determined that the Wii could output a 1080p signal if Nintendo merely added a port for the right cable, and did a firmware upgrade.

But then we have to ask, how much different would games look in 1080 on the Wii. If it was an upscaler, then not only would they need to make these Wiis more powerful, some extra processing grunt and ram to handle the upscaling, but the games wouldn't look much better. Upscaling doesn't make much difference. If you tried to run a game in native 1080 (or 720p) then you would either have to divide the number of frames per second by about 6.75, making the game unplayable, or by reducing the amount of objects and effects on screen, making the game boring and look worse than a 480p Wii game.

Everyone give up on the Wii HD thing! The next Ninty console will release in 2011 or 2012

scottie said:

@ rckrz6

I do not believe you are right, or, if you are it's not relevant.

There only 2 reasons why a computer (game consoles are computers fyi) would be unable to display in 1080p. The first is the output cables. I do not believe the cables on the Wii are capable of transmitting 1920*1080 resolution.

The second limit is not so much relevant nowadays. A computer would need a minimum of 2,073,600 bits of ram to display 1080p. This is a mere 259 kb of ram, which even the N64 has. The N64 could most certainly display a black and white (not greyscale) game in 1080p, as long as the number of frames per second was sufficiently low, and if it had the right cables for output

Now, that we've determined that the Wii could output a 1080p signal if Nintendo merely added a port for the right cable, and did a firmware upgrade.

But then we have to ask, how much different would games look in 1080 on the Wii. If it was an upscaler, then not only would they need to make these Wiis more powerful, some extra processing grunt and ram to handle the upscaling, but the games wouldn't look much better. Upscaling doesn't make much difference. If you tried to run a game in native 1080 (or 720p) then you would either have to divide the number of frames per second by about 6.75, making the game unplayable, or by reducing the amount of objects and effects on screen, making the game boring and look worse than a 480p Wii game.

Everyone give up on the Wii HD thing! The next Ninty console will release in 2011 or 2012

im looking at the specs of wii right now, PC with the same specs years and years ago were able to produce hd resolutions  (not 1080p)  i have no doubt its able to do 720p


it has 64mb video memory and 88mb system memory


The visuals in some games maxing out the system may have to be cut back for the higher resolution though


component cables are capible of displaying 1080p, it depends on your tv

@ rckrz

In order to run a game in 1080p, a console needs to be able to do the following

Store the game state from the previous frame in the ram
Calculate the steps for the next state
Replace the previous values with the new ones.

Now, I am presenting here the maximum possible amount of memory a console would need to display. Obviously, because the code will work on objects, not on individual pixels, a good developer will be able to get at least an order of magnitude of performance out of any given console.

So for a black and white image, we represent black by 0 and white by 1. This means that we can describe 8 pixels with a single byte. With 64+88 = 152*10^6 bytes of memory we can display an image 20 000 by 7600 pixels. But of course, then we would have no more ram to store the state of the next frame. Whilst it certainly is possible to replace the image with the next 1 pixel at a time, it wouldn't be desireable. Lets set half of the ram for holding the current state and half for the next.

Our resolution then becomes 10 000 by 7 600 pixels. (henceforth known as 7600p, the home of the hardcore gamer)

Obviously, because the Wii is more used to displaying 60 frames/second at 480p it is more likely to display this 7600p resolution at 1 frame per 10 seconds or so. Depending on how much the system changes by each state.

The reason you're confused is that you are considering the question "Could the Wii display a game in 1080p with sufficient frames/second, colours, effects and objects on screen to satisfy me" And the answer to that obviously is no