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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Lets say Nintendo Announced Wii HD at E3...

And the hardware is significantly  better than PS3/360 and they show a launch game and it looks better than Heavy Rain/Alan Wake,would you guys buy it also it comes with achievement/trophy like system that can be used on upcoming DSi Games?


Me personally id have to wait and see what games are coming out for it,graphics dont mean squat to me.

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yes, for a nitendo system is the only way that i will get a new star fox

in a heartbeat

Nevermind, misread.


Still, no.


Would have to stare at the price and my wallet for a while and see if it is a smart decision...

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I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

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Frankly I'd be far more interested in a Wii with an even newer control scheme. The only reason I would want a spec upgrade would be just to alleviate the last remaining excuse third parties have for not developing on the Wii.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I'd be annoyed if they did. DO IT NEXT GEN, not now.

i would buy it especially if zelda comes first.

though it wont have the same online features the psn and xboxlive

@tehsage they could start next gen in 2010 and get a jump on MS and Sony.
Could you imagen Zelda with graphcis beyond Crysis :O





I'd feel a little cheated if they only went four years with the Wii. I think they should wait until the Wii dies down before they release another console.