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Forums - Website Topics - VGC Poll: Who do you think will have the best showing at E3?


Who do you think will have the best showing at E3?

Microsoft 511 16.28%
Nintendo 855 27.24%
Sony 1,240 39.50%
They will all have great surprises. 310 9.88%
I expect to be let down by all three. 223 7.10%
Squilliam said:
I have this image of Sony cutting the price @ E3 by $50, and announcing it to the world during the conference, and Microsoft walking up on the stage and saying Xbox 360 premium $xxx then sitting back down. That would probably crash the video game sites.


 What's this about?

Somebody tell the background story already.

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MS or Ninty, even though none of the confrences will offer an impressive showing

Slimebeast said:
Squilliam said:
I have this image of Sony cutting the price @ E3 by $50, and announcing it to the world during the conference, and Microsoft walking up on the stage and saying Xbox 360 premium $xxx then sitting back down. That would probably crash the video game sites.


 What's this about?

Somebody tell the background story already.

Sega announced the Saturn at $399 at their E3 press conference. Sony was next, and Ken just walked up on stage and said $299 and sat back down.



THATS what it was! i just saw a video on this like last week, and couldnt put my finger on it!

If Nintendo shows off a new zelda for the Wii they automatically default to winning E3 requardless of what else is shown. All of the people at the PSP conference would leave in a minute if they found out a new zelda for the wii is being announced. And don't fool yourself into thinking anything different.

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Soriku said:
Squilliam said:
Slimebeast said:
Squilliam said:
I have this image of Sony cutting the price @ E3 by $50, and announcing it to the world during the conference, and Microsoft walking up on the stage and saying Xbox 360 premium $xxx then sitting back down. That would probably crash the video game sites.


 What's this about?

Somebody tell the background story already.

Sega announced the Saturn at $399 at their E3 press conference. Sony was next, and Ken just walked up on stage and said $299 and sat back down.



I need a vid (or something!) for this. Because that's just too epic.

I looked, but I could NOT find.

Tim would know.



nightsurge said:
PS3beats360 said:

PS3 price cut effective immediate with E3 09' announcement along with lots of PS3 game announcements. UnCharted 2 for October 2009 release. Ratchet and Clank for November release. FFXIII will release in Japan before Xmas 2009. God of War 3 for March 2010. MAG for April 2010. FFXIII release on PS3 in Europe and NA for June 2010. GT 5 and FF Versus XIII will both release in 2010. Expect show stopping block buster PSP game announcements.

Big surprise announcement Grand Theft Auto 5 exclusive for PS3.

In regards to the other two companies E3 09' presentations: MicroSoft and Nintendo I do not care what they show because I am not going to watch them.

The bias is strong with this one.


All of that is very plausible. How is that biased in any way? And if it does all happen, Sony wins by default


Soriku said:
BMaker11 said:
nightsurge said:
PS3beats360 said:

PS3 price cut effective immediate with E3 09' announcement along with lots of PS3 game announcements. UnCharted 2 for October 2009 release. Ratchet and Clank for November release. FFXIII will release in Japan before Xmas 2009. God of War 3 for March 2010. MAG for April 2010. FFXIII release on PS3 in Europe and NA for June 2010. GT 5 and FF Versus XIII will both release in 2010. Expect show stopping block buster PSP game announcements.

Big surprise announcement Grand Theft Auto 5 exclusive for PS3.

In regards to the other two companies E3 09' presentations: MicroSoft and Nintendo I do not care what they show because I am not going to watch them.

The bias is strong with this one.


All of that is very plausible. How is that biased in any way? And if it does all happen, Sony wins by default



Not really...because all those dates we know about. GTA5 PS3 exclusive wouldn't happen. So really it would come down to a PS3 price cut (they wouldn't do a big one since they're starting to make profit now. Not on PS3 HW, but SW. Don't think they'd wanna kill some profit.) and some big PSP games. Nintendo/MS can top those depending on what they have.

All of the above games have had demos, trailers, prologues and other previous announcements. How can you have a big E3 by just confirming what everyone has already seen and heard for the last year? It has to be something new or its just a big PS3/PSP media fest and nothing more.



I voted for Nintendo, but that's giving them the benefit doubt and hoping they have actually learned from last year's show. This and the recent acknowledgment from Iwata that the Wii is not performing as they'd like at present makes me think they will make a big push.

Microsoft has been strangely quiet lately and if Nintendo don't come out guns blazing then Microsoft could easily have the best showing.

I just don't see Sony having the best show, mostly because of the fact that they seem to have announced many of their big guns for the rest of the year and have given themselves less room to move. Also admittedly i'm not factoring PSP announcements as i don't really follow handhelds that closely.

Actually i would like all of them to have a good show, it's good for the industry and i'm here for the long haul.


There are a lot of already-announced games that need some extra information and release dates: Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, MAG, God of War III.

There are announcements for the PSP, which has not seen much quality software in the last couple of years.

There is potential for a Team ICO game announcement, which would single handedly blow away anything the other companies could say...particularly if it was releasing in 2009 ()

There MIGHT be a price cut (unlikely, though)

Microsoft "won" last year by announcing FF13 as a multiplat. Then, at TGS, Tekken 6 became multiplat. Now, pretty much nothing is left that would come as a surprise to anybody. There's MGS5, but it's too soon to announce that, and 3/4 of the internet saw that coming. Of course, there's the announcement of their motion sensing, if it exists. And some games which need more info, like Conviction, Alan Wake and Mass Effect 2.

Nintendo...oh, god. Judging by last year's E3...blech. It should be an improvement on last year, but all they can do is announce old Nintendo series coming to Wii. We'll see. That could go either way.

Note: In case you haven't noticed, I am biased .

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective