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nightsurge said:
PS3beats360 said:

PS3 price cut effective immediate with E3 09' announcement along with lots of PS3 game announcements. UnCharted 2 for October 2009 release. Ratchet and Clank for November release. FFXIII will release in Japan before Xmas 2009. God of War 3 for March 2010. MAG for April 2010. FFXIII release on PS3 in Europe and NA for June 2010. GT 5 and FF Versus XIII will both release in 2010. Expect show stopping block buster PSP game announcements.

Big surprise announcement Grand Theft Auto 5 exclusive for PS3.

In regards to the other two companies E3 09' presentations: MicroSoft and Nintendo I do not care what they show because I am not going to watch them.

The bias is strong with this one.


All of that is very plausible. How is that biased in any way? And if it does all happen, Sony wins by default