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There are a lot of already-announced games that need some extra information and release dates: Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, MAG, God of War III.

There are announcements for the PSP, which has not seen much quality software in the last couple of years.

There is potential for a Team ICO game announcement, which would single handedly blow away anything the other companies could say...particularly if it was releasing in 2009 ()

There MIGHT be a price cut (unlikely, though)

Microsoft "won" last year by announcing FF13 as a multiplat. Then, at TGS, Tekken 6 became multiplat. Now, pretty much nothing is left that would come as a surprise to anybody. There's MGS5, but it's too soon to announce that, and 3/4 of the internet saw that coming. Of course, there's the announcement of their motion sensing, if it exists. And some games which need more info, like Conviction, Alan Wake and Mass Effect 2.

Nintendo...oh, god. Judging by last year's E3...blech. It should be an improvement on last year, but all they can do is announce old Nintendo series coming to Wii. We'll see. That could go either way.

Note: In case you haven't noticed, I am biased .

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective