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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo: We're the only console producer with "powerful" software teams

alfredofroylan said:
Euphoria14 said:
Did Nintendo not get the memo with all of those quality SONY 1st party titles coming out for the PS3 and PSP?

It's their financial report they're going to say whatever the shareholders wanted to hear. I don't know why people get to angry at this, every company do the same


Why? Simple.

If this was Sony and/or Microsoft we would have had 20 pages already talking about them being so arrogant.


Remember the shitstorm when Sony claimed to have the largest number of in-house development studios? It was 100% truth but they were bashed for it. 

Here however it doesn't matter who it was said to. Claiming to be the "only" ones to have powerful in-house developers is 100% flatout bullshit and they should be called out for it.

So now SONY 1st party isn't powerful? Last I checked they just released like 2-3 AAA games in the last 6 months right, could be 4, I almost forgot MLB 09 The Show which is the best Baseball game on the market. How about that for powerful software teams?

Yes, I agree all 3 of them do it, but something like this is not what we are accustomed to from Nintendo and if you think we should turn a blind eye to this I suggest everyone here begin doing the same with Sony and MS everytime they shit on the Wii instead of going ape shit crazy and bashing them for it.


Want to claim to have powerful in-house teams? Go ahead, I won't disagree.

Want to claim to be the ONLY ones with powerful in-house teams? Don't flatter yourselves.





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Vetteman94 said:
I love how people are defending Nintendo for this statement but if Microsoft or Sony were to say this all hell would brake loose. Plain and simple this is Nintendo trash talking like the other 2 do, and after everyone thought they were too high and mighty for it.

Trash talking is a tradition in the business world. Remember when Miyamoto trash talked Sega:

'Oh, this looks like a Sega game. We need to make it look more like Mario.'

Classic. Anyway I don't know what people was expecting in a report like this.


noname2200 said:
JGarret said:
noname.. everyone, including Nintendo, is an asshole every once in a while.

Oh, Nintendo's always been kind of an a**hole, and likely always will be. But recently, they've been above this kind of crap, and I was hoping it would stay that way.

Stefan.De.Machtige said:
noname2200 said:

Well this is highly disappointing. I thought they were above that sort of behavior now...=^/

It's just a bit bragging for the stockholders. I'm sure you wil find it in other financial reports.

But there is some truth in their words. Nintendo's Ip's are one of the best franchises in the world. If i owned them, i would boast about them to everyone.

You won't even have to look in financial reports: Sony's and Microsoft's executives have routinely made idiotic statements like these without prompting. And I whole-heartedly agree that Nintendo's IPs are overall the best in the world, which is why I keep buying all their products.

But there's a fine line between bragging about how awesome you are, and indirectly slinging mud at the competition. I feel that they crossed the line this time, and while it's hardly the end of the world (it's more a throwback to the Yamauchi days, if anything), I have to admit that I'm still disappointed that they lowered themselves like this. I was hoping that at least one of the big three would try to take the high road and act like an adult.


P.S. Welcome to the site! I just noticed that you're new.

Euphoria14 said:
the only hardware platform producer with powerful in-house software development teams.

Sorry, I love Nintendo but that is just complete bullshit.

I thought Nintendo was better than this.

Agreed in full.


There is no company in the world that is SUCCESSFUL that doesn't trash talk in some way. It is nature of the business and will always be. Just be happy Nintendo does it only occasionally.


I love fighting games !!! Come on challenge me !

They're just saying what is well-known: Nintendo is an integrated software and hardware company, which MS and Sony are not. Their focus is as much on producing compelling software to sell their systems as it is on producing compelling hardware to make software for. Microsoft and Sony, conversely, are more oriented on producing the hardware, and software is only secondary.

Simply comparing the overall libraries of games for a given hardware platform makes this obvious enough: there are more Nintendo games at the top of the best-selling games list for a given Nintendo platform than anything else, whereas Sony and MS first-party offerings barely register at or near the top of their consoles' respective lists compared to third-party offerings. Interpreting it beyond these hard facts and implying some form of arrogance or pompousness is silly, not to mention very un-Nintendo-like.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Well if this is what we call arrogant then man Nintendo really is that nice of a company. Barely an arrogant statement at all. For the most part it is true because Sony and MS really don't have that much of an internal development studio. All of MS's come from other developers either bought or partnered with. Sony's internal development studio mainly just publishes just like MS.

All ya have to do is look at the games developed by each. Then look at Nintendo's and there is your spin. Really didn't have to spin it that much at all. Now if you include internal with acquired devs then yes this would be a very cruel statement but the way Nintendo is wanting it to be meant... it's kinda true.

Sure it was uncalled for but Ninty is a business just like the rest. Point is to spin things in their favor (no matter how true they are) and give them a superior appearance. Why people would think Ninty is ever above this is beyond me. They hire the same PR people and the same "spinners" as the other companies so you are going to get the same thing. This time, Nintendo just happens to be right.

Around the Network
Euphoria14 said:

Remember the shitstorm when Sony claimed to have the largest number of in-house development studios? It was 100% truth but they were bashed for it.

I haven't see that, I'm going to look for it.

alfredofroylan said:
Euphoria14 said:

Remember the shitstorm when Sony claimed to have the largest number of in-house development studios? It was 100% truth but they were bashed for it.

I haven't see that, I'm going to look for it.


"Our development studios - the Worldwide Studios team - is as large as Microsoft and Nintendo's combined," said Koller at GDC via VG247.


It resulted in quite a few pages here.



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Does smbd actually have a link to the source? Want to see it with my own eyes, if there smth lost in translation?

I don't think they mean "powerful" as in quality.

They are the only platform maker with in-house dev studios that make games powerful enough to drive strong demand across all cross-sections of the market... which is true.

Sony has very high quality 1st party software... but their software is not as powerful as say WiiFit or Nintendogs. Heck, all Sony's 1st party software combined dont have the selling power of WiiFit and Nintendogs.


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starcraft said:
noname2200 said:
starcraft said:
They are for the most part.

I disagree. While I certainly favor Nintendo's games over everyone else's (and make no bones about it), it seems absurd for them to claim that Sony and Microsoft don't also have good software teams. I don't even need to get into list warz: any reasonable and objective person can tell you that the other two put out great games too, even if that person favors other software.

Which is great, except we aren't talking about talented developers, we're talking about powerful developers.

With the exceptions I listed above, no other in-house team really has the ability to shift the console wars like some Nintendo ones can.

But those are some pretty big exceptions. It's akin to those people who say "Japan's games don't sell as well in the West as they used to...if you don't count companies like Nintendo and Capcom."