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alfredofroylan said:
Euphoria14 said:
Did Nintendo not get the memo with all of those quality SONY 1st party titles coming out for the PS3 and PSP?

It's their financial report they're going to say whatever the shareholders wanted to hear. I don't know why people get to angry at this, every company do the same


Why? Simple.

If this was Sony and/or Microsoft we would have had 20 pages already talking about them being so arrogant.


Remember the shitstorm when Sony claimed to have the largest number of in-house development studios? It was 100% truth but they were bashed for it. 

Here however it doesn't matter who it was said to. Claiming to be the "only" ones to have powerful in-house developers is 100% flatout bullshit and they should be called out for it.

So now SONY 1st party isn't powerful? Last I checked they just released like 2-3 AAA games in the last 6 months right, could be 4, I almost forgot MLB 09 The Show which is the best Baseball game on the market. How about that for powerful software teams?

Yes, I agree all 3 of them do it, but something like this is not what we are accustomed to from Nintendo and if you think we should turn a blind eye to this I suggest everyone here begin doing the same with Sony and MS everytime they shit on the Wii instead of going ape shit crazy and bashing them for it.


Want to claim to have powerful in-house teams? Go ahead, I won't disagree.

Want to claim to be the ONLY ones with powerful in-house teams? Don't flatter yourselves.





iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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