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Well if this is what we call arrogant then man Nintendo really is that nice of a company. Barely an arrogant statement at all. For the most part it is true because Sony and MS really don't have that much of an internal development studio. All of MS's come from other developers either bought or partnered with. Sony's internal development studio mainly just publishes just like MS.

All ya have to do is look at the games developed by each. Then look at Nintendo's and there is your spin. Really didn't have to spin it that much at all. Now if you include internal with acquired devs then yes this would be a very cruel statement but the way Nintendo is wanting it to be meant... it's kinda true.

Sure it was uncalled for but Ninty is a business just like the rest. Point is to spin things in their favor (no matter how true they are) and give them a superior appearance. Why people would think Ninty is ever above this is beyond me. They hire the same PR people and the same "spinners" as the other companies so you are going to get the same thing. This time, Nintendo just happens to be right.