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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo: We're the only console producer with "powerful" software teams

It's business, bullshit PR statements are necessary sadly.

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Sky Render said:
NanakiXI said:
Nintendo PR for you. At least Sony just said they were the best but Nintendo says "only" which is very untrue. Just because almost every game they push out can sell almost 5 mil + copies each doesn't keep their statements true. Microsoft and Sony are just as equal if or not better 1st party producers and they for the most part don't leave huge gaps between game release times like Nintendo.

I love you Nintendo but don't get cocky like Sony did last gen. You can be taken down and you're crown can be relinquished.

 I'm quite curious, what other statistically viable measure besides sales numbers of products would you propose we gauge this by?  "Quality"?  Last I checked, "quality" is a derived statistic: you cannot assign an absolute numeric score to it, despite what misunderstandings of how MetaCritic and review sites work might suggest.  Quantity of released titles in a given timeframe?  I fail to see how that's more useful than overall sales of units, seeing as a company that releases 100 products that sell 50,001 copies each is not necessarily better off than a company that releases 10 products that sell 500,000 copies each; more than likely they're worse off, as the overhead of producing something tends to cancel out the benefits of early sales.  I suppose you could go by revenue, disregarding that price is generally indexed in this sort of analysis to avoid the pitfalls associated with blatantly disregarding inflation, but even then, Nintendo would end up on top in the comparison simply by sheer volume.

 I guess my point here is, if you're going to be opposed to using something as the basis of comparison, at least make sure you have something of equal or greater reliability to replace it as the bellweather gauge.


My satement really didn't require a response. My only point is don't get cocky Nintendo. Really I just wasted as much time writing this back as your rebutle to my statement.

FootballFan - "GT has never been bigger than Halo. Now do a comparison between the two attach ratios and watch GT get stomped by Halo. Reach will sell 5 million more than GT5. Quote me on it."

atma998 said:
CGI-Quality said:
Euphoria14 said:
the only hardware platform producer with powerful in-house software development teams.

Sorry, I love Nintendo but that is just complete bullshit.

I thought Nintendo was better than this.

Well it's like I've been saying, all three companies have PR that say outlandish things. Regardless, I think that all the companies have something to offer. It's just that Sony and Nintendo have more of it in the 1st Party Department






Sony has bigger first party support.  Sony is buying studios to make games. I think Nintendo has only one first party supporter-Nintendo. Nintendo is their own first part, they are making games themselves

noname2200 said:

Nintendo offered a look behind the curtain, a peek at how the company operates. In its financial earnings, the Kyoto-based game maker explained is mid-term and long-term strategy.

According to the company, Nintendo will continue to go after "Gaming Population Expansion" by "putting smiles on many people's faces by offering brand new entertainment that anyone can enjoy, regardless of age, gender or gaming experience."

DS-wise, Nintendo is positioning the portable as "a machine that enriches its owner's daily life". What's Nintendo's strategy? "Nintendo's strategy is to accelerate current sales momentum from 'must-have for every family' to 'must-have for everyone.'"

As the DS is supposed to be a "must-have for everyone", the Wii is planned to be "'a machine that puts smiles on surrounding people's face' while encouraging communication among family members in the living room and offering enjoyment of their 'new life with Wii'".

Nintendo says it will continue to offer packaged software and provide content via the Nintendo DSi Shop and the Wii Shopping Channel.

Then there's this: "In the challenging and competitive gaming industry, which consistently requires new and innovative products, Nintendowill strive to expand its business and increase revenue and profit by capitalizing on being the only hardware platform producer with powerful in-house software development teams."

Well this is highly disappointing. I thought they were above that sort of behavior now...=^/


This pretty much confirm that they are going to concentrate on bring more gimmicks and casual games instead of core games.