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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo: We're the only console producer with "powerful" software teams

CGI-Quality said:
Euphoria14 said:
the only hardware platform producer with powerful in-house software development teams.

Sorry, I love Nintendo but that is just complete bullshit.

I thought Nintendo was better than this.

Well it's like I've been saying, all three companies have PR that say outlandish things. Regardless, I think that all the companies have something to offer. It's just that Sony and Nintendo have more of it in the 1st Party Department




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Have any other console makers created new franchises that are now household names?

Nov 2016 - NES outsells PS1 (JP)

Don't Play Stationary 4 ever. Switch!

If they did say that in those exact words then probably it was unnecessary, but it's a TRANSLATION. People here are debating the English definition of words like in-house and powerful and throwing around words like tact. Subtlety of meaning is the first thing that's lost in translation even if the translator is good. Mike pointed out that the translator may have been Kotaku, so in essence people are getting their panties in a bunch over what Kotaku claims Nintendo said.

I don't know why people are getting all excited about that one sentence. It is so laughable that it's not worth talking about. What I find far more disturbing is the pseudo-religious fervour cintained in the paragraphs above:
"a machine that enriches its owner's daily life".
"encouraging communication among family members in the living room and offering enjoyment of their 'new life with Wii'"

Oh please, gimme a break. The next add campaign will be "Wii decreases divorce rates, family violence, crime, drug abuse; increases the IQ and resolves global political crises" If Obama and Bin Laden took a Wii together everything would be all right.

You wanna encourage family communication, turn your electronic shit off and have an actual conversation.

What's really funny is that Nintendo might believe it's own BS and think it is more than just a game and gadget business.

Sony and Microsoft might be arrogant arseholes, but at least they don't have delusions of messianic grandeur.

The "only strong software team" is the least obnoxious thing about the OP.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix



4 ≈ One

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well, it been a while since i heard nintendo talking like that. when problems arise, a cat show it claws.
when you get a console twice the price outselling you in a region for more than 2 months , you can heard the PR roar.

Jo21 said:
well, it been a while since i heard nintendo talking like that. when problems arise, a cat show it claws.
when you get a console twice the price outselling you in a region for more than 2 months , you can heard the PR roar.


Yes because I'm sure Nintendo fears their 5 million lead is at jepordy as a console knocks out 2,000 of the lead every week.  They are shivering.

Come on guys, Nintendo has never been above this ignorance.  We listen to Reggie do it every time he speaks.  For some odd reason, though, we usually don't mind when they do it.  Probably, because usually their arrogance pales in comparison to others such as this where Nintendo really is the only one with a powerful internal development studio.  Now we should crack down on some of the things Reggie says becuase a lot of them are uncalled for but Ninty has never been above this kinda things.  Go look at some of the things Yamamuchi said.  He made Sony and MS PR look conservative

Truth hurts.  When you have the majority of software sales you are the industry power house.



Euphoria14 said:
the only hardware platform producer with powerful in-house software development teams.

Sorry, I love Nintendo but that is just complete bullshit.

I thought Nintendo was better than this.


This! I don't get it...