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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Are you happy with your Wii?

I am not just "happy" with my wii .... it changed my life. I changed from "obese" to "ideal weight" with WiiFit (and My Fitness Coach). I enjoyed hours of fun with friends and Boom Blox, Mario Kart or WiiSports. I enjoyed hours of fun alone with totally new gametypes like Eternal Ocean or Trauma Center and with traditional gametypes like Super Smash Brothers Brawl or Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers.
In my oppinion the wii is the best console (until now).

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I've used it less and less since I got the PS3.  I still do wii fit and played the last Naruto game in it, but since I've modded it to play emulated games on NES, SNES, Gameboy, Sega, etc... Played all the heavy hitters like MarioKart, SMG, SSBB, MP3, RE4.  I enjoyed all of them except SSBB, which really bugs my why so many people seems to like it with a passion.  Also played the best fighting game I've played in it, DBZ:BT3.  I felt like I've seen everything it can do.  I've play PS3 games with less enthusiasm, but I find that twiddling my thumbs is a relaxing alternative at the end of a tired day.  And I also have this stigma of buying 3rd party games, I can't trust sales and reviews to tell me what's good anymore I hated SSBB and BoomBlox, well may not boomblox, but I got tired of winning in it that it became repetetive.  Maybe it's because I can rely more on reviews for games on the PS3 that I don't find myself buying more games in it than for Wii.  *shrugs*

Love it to death.

MaxwellGT2000 said:
bardicverse said:
@OP - The Wii isn't referred to as a "kiddie" console. The term has changed to "Casualz" The "kiddie" naming died last gen. =)

Onto a proper response, I enjoy the "hardcore games", like Madword, RE4, REUC, HotD, COD5, MoH2, Bully, etc quite a bit, and do a bit of "casual" gaming, like Wii Fit and Wii Sports. My Wii gets a ton of use, and anything I miss that doesn't come to the Wii, I get for the PC. So yes, Im happy with my Wii and my choices overall this gen.


Oh no over the past week I've seen a resurgance of Wii being for kids, amazing stuff I say.

Sounds like they're grasping at straws to find something negative to say about the system. Its funny how silenced those voices have become, can't really hear them over the roar of the Wii buzz

Yes, I'm very happy with it.

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Yes, I'm very happy with it.



Pixel Art can be fun.

Loving it!! Especially Mario Kart Wii!!

haxxiy said:
No. The graphics are underwhelming (they suck even compared to the GC) and the motion control is not as precise as I thought it would be. Maybe with m+ things will change.


But aren't the Wii graphics stronger than the Gamecube...?


I don't get it.

I love my Wii. One of the best consoles I've ever owned, and I've owned most of them.

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709
dahuman said:
FKNetwork said:
Nope, hate it with a passion, worst out of the three current gen consoles (I own all three), if it wasn't for my girlfriend using wii fit it would have been gone ages ago,

Actually embarrassed to say I own one! most of my friends laugh when I say I own one so shows how childish people think they are (and they are true),


isn't england kinda anti wii in general though? or am i just insane? just don't buy the shovel wares and it's got just as many good games outside of the graphics department, then again i'm a pc gamer too so it's a pretty good balance i guess.

Naa, the UK love the Wii mainly, :)