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I've used it less and less since I got the PS3.  I still do wii fit and played the last Naruto game in it, but since I've modded it to play emulated games on NES, SNES, Gameboy, Sega, etc... Played all the heavy hitters like MarioKart, SMG, SSBB, MP3, RE4.  I enjoyed all of them except SSBB, which really bugs my why so many people seems to like it with a passion.  Also played the best fighting game I've played in it, DBZ:BT3.  I felt like I've seen everything it can do.  I've play PS3 games with less enthusiasm, but I find that twiddling my thumbs is a relaxing alternative at the end of a tired day.  And I also have this stigma of buying 3rd party games, I can't trust sales and reviews to tell me what's good anymore I hated SSBB and BoomBlox, well may not boomblox, but I got tired of winning in it that it became repetetive.  Maybe it's because I can rely more on reviews for games on the PS3 that I don't find myself buying more games in it than for Wii.  *shrugs*