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Forums - Sales Discussion - Killzone 2 Sales Discussion

Gnizmo said:

Kantor said:

It's a little bit stupid to compare this to Halo 3. Nobody said it would be a Halo killer. Nobody. It would have been lucky to get a third of Halo 3's first week sales. Halo is a massive series with Microsoft advertising and a vast loyal fanbase. Also, holiday season release...

 No body you say? You sure about that? That is an interesting thread when you think about it then. I mean, if it doesn't exist, how can we read it? What you should be saying is no one reasonable claimed it would be a Halo killer. Lots of over the top rabbid fanboys claimed it would be the Halo killer. Some of them still do say it. I have issues with other parts of your post as well, but I am too lazy to address them now.

That thread has nothing to do with sales. The idea of killing Halo is ridiculous, but I say Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3 in almost every way...

Find one person who said that Killzone 2 would even come near Halo 3 sales.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Ok, I haven't read the thread, but I'm very disappointed in American sales. Granted we only had 2 days of sales due to a weird Friday launch I expected it to manage more than Europe anyways.

All this wasn't based off hype, but based off European pre-order sales. My european prediction was only slightly too high, where as my US prediction was WAY too high. Looks like Sony wins another one with the over stuffing channels.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Kantor said:

That thread has nothing to do with sales. The idea of killing Halo is ridiculous, but I say Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3 in almost every way...

Find one person who said that Killzone 2 would even come near Halo 3 sales.

 First and foremost, that is not the claim I was disputing. You said no one called Killzone 2 the Halo killer. That is wrong. There was an entire thread about it. Point number 2 I will oblige you on eventually I suppose. It will take a while to wade through all the crap predictions, but I am certain some ridiculous fanboy will have said it was. Of course this proves nothign as some ridiculous fanboy has no bearing on what rational people thought and said. Rabbid fanboys say all kinds of stupid things though, so you should avoid the word "nobody."

Edit: Didn't take me long at all it seems. Gotta love Crazzyman. 10 million total sales would definately put it past Halo 3.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:

Kantor said:

That thread has nothing to do with sales. The idea of killing Halo is ridiculous, but I say Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3 in almost every way...

Find one person who said that Killzone 2 would even come near Halo 3 sales.

 First and fpre,pst, that is not the claim I was disputing. You said no one called Killzone 2 the Halo killer. That is wrong. There was an entire thread about it. Point number 2 I will oblige you on eventually I suppose. It will take a while to wade through all the crap predictions, but I am certain some ridiculous fanboy will have said it was. Of course this proves nothign as some ridiculous fanboy has no bearing on what rational people thought and said. Rabbid fanboys say all kinds of stupid things though, so you should avoid the word "nobody."

first off lol.

second off, try the game page. A lot of crap was spewing threw there. I made a sales prediction (I was way high too), and I was one of the few reasonable people there as some had it doing almost 3 million first week.


If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
11/03/09 Desposit: Mod Bribery (RolStoppable)  vg$ 500.00
06/03/09 Purchase: Moderator Privilege  vg$ -50,000.00

Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Thats pretty low nordlead. Editing my post to try and make me look a fool is just low! I think I shall wade through the game page to see whats what though. I always get annoyed when a game gets hyped to hell and back before release and then people try to claim no one hyped it at all.

Edit: It is a shame I can't link directly to certain wall posts. At least two people were saying it would outsell Halo 3 and have an opening week of 3-4 million. A lot of people went for 2 million which was similarly absurd. Never use the word "nobody" in a world of rabbid fanboys.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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makingmusic476 said:
wfz said:
Yes I was getting sick of all of the negative threads as well. Hopefully this one can turn into one huge negative thread to rule them all.


People were complaining about KZ2 sales?

The usuals were.  Satrcraft, Gebx, as well as some new fanboy.

Of course, hey also had all the thrads saying "Why are people complaining? Sales were great!1!!"

And I also locked all the other Killzone 2 threads, many of which were nothing more than people asking random questions about some features or another.

I just locked 19 threads, all of which were on the FIRST PAGE of the Sony and Sales forums.

This Satrcraft better be another poster satirically making fun of me.

Because I haven't once complained about Killzone 2's sales.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I thought the game did well in it's own right.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Oh god, Starcraft's here...


Thread downfall imminent!!!

Gnizmo said:

Kantor said:

That thread has nothing to do with sales. The idea of killing Halo is ridiculous, but I say Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3 in almost every way...

Find one person who said that Killzone 2 would even come near Halo 3 sales.

 First and fpre,pst, that is not the claim I was disputing. You said no one called Killzone 2 the Halo killer. That is wrong. There was an entire thread about it. Point number 2 I will oblige you on eventually I suppose. It will take a while to wade through all the crap predictions, but I am certain some ridiculous fanboy will have said it was. Of course this proves nothign as some ridiculous fanboy has no bearing on what rational people thought and said. Rabbid fanboys say all kinds of stupid things though, so you should avoid the word "nobody."

I was referring to sales. Just the idea of a Halo killer in itself is ridiculous. Halo shaped the genre, and a family of consoles was essentially built on it. Killzone 2 had no chance of being as significant as Halo. Ask ten people on the street who Master Chief is, more people will know that if you were to ask them who Tomas Sevchenko is, or even Jan Templar.

But anybody thinking that Killzone 2 would sell half of what Halo 3 sold first week is delusional, a fanboy, and needs a reality check.

I think Killzone 2 is a better game, but that doesn't make it a Halo killer, because Halo cannot be killed. It is timeless. It's like calling LBP a Mario Killer, or Fable a Zelda Killer (seen both of those on VGC sadly)

I've seen a couple of people here saying that Killzone 2 would be a Halo killer, but not one person predicted over 3 million first week.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:

I was referring to sales. Just the idea of a Halo killer in itself is ridiculous. Halo shaped the genre, and a family of consoles was essentially built on it. Killzone 2 had no chance of being as significant as Halo. Ask ten people on the street who Master Chief is, more people will know that if you were to ask them who Tomas Sevchenko is, or even Jan Templar.

But anybody thinking that Killzone 2 would sell half of what Halo 3 sold first week is delusional, a fanboy, and needs a reality check.

I think Killzone 2 is a better game, but that doesn't make it a Halo killer, because Halo cannot be killed. It is timeless. It's like calling LBP a Mario Killer, or Fable a Zelda Killer (seen both of those on VGC sadly)

I've seen a couple of people here saying that Killzone 2 would be a Halo killer, but not one person predicted over 3 million first week.

 Check the game page. One guy was saying 3-4 million week one. There is always a crazy fanboy who believes something ridiculously stupid. I do't know why that is, but you might want to just accept it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

starcraft said:
makingmusic476 said:
wfz said:
Yes I was getting sick of all of the negative threads as well. Hopefully this one can turn into one huge negative thread to rule them all.


People were complaining about KZ2 sales?

The usuals were.  Satrcraft, Gebx, as well as some new fanboy.

Of course, hey also had all the thrads saying "Why are people complaining? Sales were great!1!!"

And I also locked all the other Killzone 2 threads, many of which were nothing more than people asking random questions about some features or another.

I just locked 19 threads, all of which were on the FIRST PAGE of the Sony and Sales forums.

This Satrcraft better be another poster satirically making fun of me.

Because I haven't once complained about Killzone 2's sales.  Quite the opposite in fact.  I thought the game did well in it's own right.

Your faith in Killzone 2 is of course why you have that new avatar

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective